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Characteristics and Dissimilarity of Turbulent Transport of Heat and Momentum in Summer Unstable Atmospheric Surface Layer in Taklimakan Desert and Its Physical Mechanisms
ZHANG Lu, PENG Yan, LI Qianhui, ZHANG Hongsheng, HE Qing, Ali Mamtimin
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2023, 59 (4): 581-592.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2023.045
Abstract294)   HTML    PDF(pc) (5106KB)(93)       Save
Based on the near-surface atmospheric turbulence observation in the National Observation and Research Station of Desert Meteorology, Taklimakan Desert of Xinjiang in July 2016, the characteristics of turbulent transport in the unstable atmospheric surface layer in the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert are investigated. With the methods of eddy covariance, quadrant analysis, and spectra analysis, the dissimilarity between the turbulent transport of heat and momentum under different atmospheric instability is analyzed, and its potential physical mechanism is further explored. The results indicate that, under near-neutral conditions, the turbulent transport of heat and momentum is similar. However, as the atmospheric instability increases, the transport dissimilarity between heat and momentum becomes increasingly significant. Heat is transported more efficiently than momentum, while the turbulent transport of momentum shows a great randomness under the strongly thermal condition. This dissimilarity is closely related to the topology of turbulent coherent structures. Under unstable conditions, the coherent structure is dominated by thermal plume. It can induce synchronous changes in potential temperature and vertical velocity, but is difficult to lead corresponding changes in horizontal velocity. The difference in the physical mechanism of turbulent motion is the main reason for the significant dissimilarity between the turbulent transport of heat and momentum with increasing atmospheric instability.
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Experimental Research of Methane Flux Measurement by the Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Method
GE Hongxing, WEI Zhuorui, ZHANG Hongsheng, KANG Ling
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2022, 58 (3): 434-442.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2022.021
Abstract466)   HTML    PDF(pc) (11630KB)(152)       Save
Based on the data collected at the Atmospheric Turbulence and Atmospheric Environment Experimental Station in east China from November 2015 to November 2016, the methane flux over farmland was estimated using the relaxed eddy accumulation (REA) method. During the experiment, the empirical coefficients b of various scalars including temperature, water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane for the REA method were 0.59, 0.59, 0.59 and 0.58, respectively. The median of b decreased with the increase of the normalized sampling threshold HREA. The minimum dispersion of b for each scalar was reached with HREA=0.8. The methane flux obtained by the REA method with T as the proxy scalar was highly consistent with the flux obtained by the EC method, showing that the REA method was suitable for measuring methane flux.
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Research on the Fast-Response Air Pressure Sensor and Spectral Characteristics of the Pressure Fluctuations in the Turbulent Atmosphere
WEI Zhuorui, ZHANG Hongsheng, LI Qianhui, REN Yan, KANG Ling, WANG Pengfei, LIU Haibo
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2022, 58 (1): 186-194.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2021.122
Abstract589)   HTML    PDF(pc) (5161KB)(244)       Save
Based on the observational data of a self-developed fast-response air pressure sensor at the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Atmospheric Environment Comprehensive Experimental Station in the Horqin area, Inner Mongolia in the summer of 2019, the characteristic parameters of the pressure fluctuations were calculated, and the spectral characteristics of the pressure fluctuations and the characteristics of the pressure standard deviation were studied. The results show that the self-developed fast-response air pressure sensor can reflect the rapid fluctuations of pressure, and the frequency response is close to 1 Hz. The variance spectra of the pressure fluctuations satisfy the n-2 scaling law in the frequency range from 0.0006 to 0.5 Hz, and the peak frequency is lower than that of the wind speed and temperature. The normalized variance spectra of pressure fluctuations under different atmospheric stabilities merge into a single line in the high-frequency range and distribute around the stability parameter in the low-frequency range. The contribution of pressure fluctuations to turbulent energy is mainly at larger scales, while that of the wind speed and temperature is mainly at smaller scales. The standard deviation and fluctuation intensity of the pressure have obvious diurnal variation characteristics, which is strong during the daytime and weak during the nighttime.
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Experimental Study on the Turbulence Characteristics and Flux Acquisition of PM2.5
REN Yan, LI Qianhui, ZHANG Hongsheng, KANG Ling
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2021, 57 (6): 1019-1026.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2021.082
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The authors use the high-frequency sampling function of the fine particle mass concentration measurement instrument E-Sampler and the eddy covariance method to calculate PM2.5 concentration fluctuation and turbulent flux of the multiple pollution events of the Dezhou city atmospheric environment experimental station in Shandong Province from December 27, 2018 to January 7, 2019, and the turbulence characteristics of PM2.5 concentration are discussed. The results show that the mean value of the turbulent flux of PM2.5 concentration during the observation period is 0.026 μg/(m2·s). The transmission direction of the turbulent flux of PM2.5 concentration in different pollution processes is different, indicating that the sink or source property is not static. With the increase of turbulence statistical characteristic quantities (such as turbulent kinetic energy, standard deviation of horizontal wind speed, standard deviation of vertical wind speed, horizontal wind speed, momentum flux and sensible heat flux), the vertical flux of PM2.5 decreases exponentially, namely, it decreases sharply, and then changes little with the increase of each variable. With the increase of the concentration of PM2.5, the absolute value of the turbulent flux of PM2.5 shows an increasing trend. The turbulent vertical flux of PM2.5 concentration is related to the PM2.5 concentration and the intensity of turbulence. The normalized standard deviation of PM2.5 concentration and the stability parameter ζ = z/L follow the -1/3 power relationship under unstable conditions, that is σc/C* = 6.7(-ζ)-1/3. Under stable conditions, the experimental results are relatively discrete. In addition, the variance spectrum curve of PM2.5 concentration satisfies the -2/3 power exponential rate in the high frequency range, and the covariance spectrum curve of the PM2.5 concentration and the vertical wind speed satisfies the ?4/3 power exponential rate in the high frequency band. The result shows that 1 Hz high-frequency sampling function of E-Sampler can obtain continuous and effective turbulent flux of PM2.5 concentration.
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Impact of Temporal and Spatial Resolution of CALMET on the Simulated Concentration Fields of CALPUFF
KANG Ling, ZHU Hao, HUANG Qianqian, LIU Xinjian, LIN Hongtao, CAI Xuhui, SONG Yu, ZHANG Hongsheng
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2021, 57 (6): 1006-1018.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2021.081
Abstract705)   HTML    PDF(pc) (5675KB)(287)       Save
The hourly WRF forecast wind fields with a resolution of 1 km is used as the input of the CALMET diagnostic model to generate wind fields with different temporal and spatial resolutions, which drive CALPUFF to obtain concentration fields with a resolution of 50 m per minute. The impact of the temporal and spatial resolution of CALMET meteorological fields on the concentration fields and the calculation time of each scheme are analyzed. The results show that satisfactory wind field and concentration field can be obtained even with coarse temporal and spatial resolution at stable wind direction and high wind speed conditions. The temporal and spatial resolution has a significant impact on the wind and concentration fields when the wind direction changes and the wind speed is low. The difference between concentration fields driven by various meteorological schemes can be as high as 40%. During the transition of the wind field, the accuracy of the concentration field will worsen with finer meteorological grid if the modeling time step of CALMET is greater than 30 minutes. The longer the modeling time step is, the more significant the deviation of the concentration field is. Considering the calculation time and the accuracy of the concentration field simulation, CALMET meteorological scheme with a time step of 10 min and a grid resolution of 400 m is recommended in the emergency early warning of air pollution accidents.
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Experimental Research on the Characteristics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the Semi-arid North China
LI Qianhui, ZHANG Hongsheng, JU Tingting, XIAO Kaitao
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2020, 56 (2): 215-222.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2019.125
Abstract832)   HTML    PDF(pc) (799KB)(309)       Save
A comprehensive experiment on semi-arid underlying surface was carried out at the comprehensive experimental station of atmospheric science and atmospheric environment in Horqin, Inner Mongolia during July 3th to 16th in 2016. Using high-precision GPS sounding data of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), the structure of the ABL in the semi-arid North China under different weather conditions (sunny, cloudy and rainy) was analyzed. The atmospheric boundary layer height (ABLH) was determined by different methods and criteria. In addition, the characteristics of low-level jets (LLJs), surface turbulent flux and surface energy budget were discussed. The results indicate that the average height of the ABL is 1790 m during the day while it is 250 m at night when sunny. In the cloudy day, the average ABLH is 980 m in daytime and 430 m at night. The turbulent kinetic energy in the surface layer shows a strong correlation with ABLH at night. LLJs mostly occur at midnight, with an average altitude of approximately 390 m, and there is a positive correlation between the intensity and the altitude of LLJs.
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Study of the Influence of Wind Field Uncertainty in Atmospheric Diffusion Emergency Forecast
ZHENG Yufan, CAI Xuhui, KANG Ling, ZHANG Hongsheng, SONG Yu
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2019, 55 (5): 878-886.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2019.058
Abstract1028)   HTML    PDF(pc) (15080KB)(273)       Save
This paper studies deviations and uncertainties of atmospheric diffusion caused by wind field forecasting, in conditions of emergency release. WRF and CALMET were used to create a 40 km fine-mesh meteorological forecast field and a diagnostic field with local data. In the simulation, we traced the emissions in January, April, July and October which are representative of four seasons and the emissions in four typical situations. The analysis shows that the forecasts are consistent with the diagnosis in 80% of the year and the change of seasons does not affect significantly, while the rest 20% is shared by different plume shape and significant deviations, each accounting for about 10%. Downwind concentration varies with emission height and downwind distance. The maximum deviation occurs when the height is 20?100 m and the distance is 2?4 km, while the result is highly uncertain when the height is 100 m and the distance is shorter than 2 km. The significant deviations occur in two situations. In the first, the time of the important transition of the local wind field predicted by the meteorological field is inconsistent, so that the forecast wind field and the actual wind field are in an asynchronous state before and after the transition, which causes a major deviation in the pollution diffusion forecast results. In the second, WRF, which systematically overestimates the wind speed (at 50% approximately), leads to systematically lower forecasted concentration.
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Study of Turbulence Transfer at Different Levels during Fog Periods in Tianjin
YE Xinxin, WEI Wei, LI Hang, ZHANG Hongsheng
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2016, 52 (5): 809-818.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2015.141
Abstract1406)   HTML    PDF(pc) (917KB)(877)       Save

Based on the observational atmospheric turbulent data obtained from 255-m tower in Tianjin, the characteristics of different atmospheric variables and turbulent transfer during the fog periods were studied. The results show that before the fog, there exists high humidity, and the height of inversion reaches to 100 m. The inversion of radiation fog is stronger than that of the advection fog. During the fog, the inversion continues strengthening. With the lifting of inversion, the neutral and unstable stratification occurres which means the dissipation of fogs. Meanwhile, the development of inversion in the radiation fog is more obvious than that in advection fogs, the height of radiation fogs is lower than that of advection fogs, and the main reasons for the dissipation of radiation and advection fogs are temperature and wind speed, respectively. The stratification is changed by the fog period, resulting in an unstable nocturnal atmosphere. The vertical transfer is weak and the horizontal transfer strengthened in the later stage. The increasing in the ratio of mean kinetic energy to turbulent kinetic energy before the fog can be treated as the signal of the occurrence of fog and the decreasing marks the dissipation of fog.

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Application of Aircraft Wind Data in the Study of Atmospheric Boundary Layer
WEI Wei,YE Xinxin,WANG Haixia,ZHANG Hongsheng
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract936)      PDF(pc) (2524KB)(396)       Save
With the brief view of the application of meteorological data obtained by aircraft, based on the continuous wind data obtained by aircraft and WPR (Wind Profile Radar) from August 2009 to June 2010, in Shanghai, the authors analyze the application of airborne meteorological instrument measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer and puts forwards some possible error resources. Meanwhile, the correction methods are proposed. It is shown that the main difference between two observation methods is attributed to the systematic deviations of the instrument. At vertical levels other than the 300 to 1500 m height and with air temperature less than -8 °C and wind speed less than 1 m/s, the discrepancy between the horizontal wind speed obtained by aircraft and WPR increases significantly, which shows the limitation of airborne instrument measurements under this condition. The corrected aircraft data reveal the general pattern of the wind profile structure of the boundary layer in Shanghai.
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Using CALPUFF for Near-Field Atmospheric Dispersion Simulation over Complex Terrain
ZHU Hao,ZHANG Hongsheng,CAI Xuhui,LI Fengju,LIU Xinjian
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract760)      PDF(pc) (1843KB)(552)       Save
Based on data from a comprehensive atmospheric dispersion experiment of high temporal and spatial resolution over a complex hilly-valley area in Hunan province, the applicability of USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) recommended guideline model CALPUFF (California Puff Model) in near field over complex terrain was investigated. Using diagnostic wind fields of different temporal resolutions and various dispersion schemes, the near-field concentration distributions under various meteorological conditions were simulated and compared with the observed tracer concentrations. The results show that using the measured turbulence profiles to calculate dispersion parameters can better simulate near-field concentration distributions. The modeling results can be improved if the fitted relationships between standard deviations of turbulent velocities and stability parameters are used instead of the default CALPUFF turbulence parameterization scheme. The modeling results are not sensitive to the temporal resolution of wind fields and dispersion schemes when the wind speed is high and wind direction is steady. However, under low and variable wind conditions, the 10 min wind field is needed to model the ground concentration distributions. The modeling results of measured turbulence scheme are higher than those of similarity scheme and closer to the observed values. Overall, CALPUFF modeling system can well simulate the near-field peak concentrations over this hilly-valley complex terrain by using either the hourly wind field and turbulent measurement or 10 min wind field and modified similarity scheme.
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VOCs Fluxes Analysis Based on Micrometeorological Methods over Litchi Plantation in the Pearl River Delta, China
GAO Xiang,ZHANG Hongsheng,CAI Xuhui,SONG Yu,KANG Ling
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract662)      PDF(pc) (652KB)(478)       Save
Observations of VOCs concentration were conducted at a litchi plantation in the Pearl River Delta in July 2008 and February-March 2009 respectively. VOCs fluxes were estimated based on the relationship of flux-gradient and REA method using the VOCs concentration data. Statistical evidence indicates that the major emission matter is isoprene with a typical daytime mean flux 0.932 nmol/(m2?s) in the growing season over the litchi plantation. While in the non growing season, the flux is negligible. This study provides a reliable reference not only for emission rates for litchi and manmade plantation, but also for usage of micrometeorological methods to measure VOCs fluxes.
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Review of the Field Measurements and Parameterization of the Dust Emission Flux
ZHU Hao,ZHANG Hongsheng
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract709)            Save
Parameterization of dust emission flux is an important factor to accurately simulate and predict dust events. The data measured by field experiments can be used directly to evaluate the parameterization schemes. On the basis of explaining the physical mechanism, parameterization schemes and data inputs of various dust emission models, the authors investigate their similarities and differences. The field measurements of dust emission flux are critically needed for the validation, calibration and improvement of dust emission models. The gradient method and dust particle concentration measurements are two common methods to measure the dust emission flux during field experiments. The existing problems and future research directions are discussed by comparing the model parameterization schemes and results of field measurements.
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Analysis of the Surface Temperature over Keerqin Sand Aera in Inner Mongolia
ZHANG Peng,ZHANG Hongsheng,DU Jinlin,LIU Huizhi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract925)            Save
Using the micrometeorological data obtained over the moving sand dune in Keerqin sand area in Inner Mongolia in summer of 2001 and spring of 2002, the surface temperature was determined and the characteristics were analyzed over the sand dune area. The idea is using discrete Fourier transform on the temperatures of different layers and applying soil heat conduction equation. The results are that soil temperature conductivity ratios which are calculated from the decline of the soil temperature amplitude and phase difference agree well under the assumption of layered homogeneity. The surface temperature was calculated using the relationship of the soil temperature conductivity ratios at different depths and the amplitude and phase of dominant and harmonic frequencies of soil temperature. The surface temperatures calculated from observed soil temperatures at 5 cm and 10 cm depth show a good agreement. The amplitude of soil temperature waves decreases exponentially with depth. The diurnal variation of soil temperature at 80 cm is small.
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Study on Turbulent Structures and Energy Transfer during an Advective Fog Period
WU Bingui,ZHANG Hongsheng,WANG Zhaoyu,ZHU Hao,XIE Yiyang
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract667)            Save
Based on the data collected at a 255 m tower during an atmospheric boundary layer experiment in Tianjin, the micro-structures of turbulence and characteristics of energy transfer during an advective fog process in February 2006 are analyzed. Combined with the cold front passage, clear and weak wind condition, and light fog, the characteristics of turbulent kinetic energy during the fog process are discussed. The results show that the peak frequencies of energy spectral density for all directions are at the higher frequency part during the fog occuring, while being at the lower frequency part before the fog formation and after the fog dissipation. Compared with the velocity spectra, the peak frequency change of temperature spectra is larger than that of velocity spectra before the fog formation. As the fog dissipates, the peak frequency of temperature spectra is lower than that of velocity spectra. During the fog, the mean kinetic energy shows a smaller value, while the turbulent disturbance is active, and the vertical turbulent momentum transfer is dominant. The abrupt rising of mean and turbulent kinetic energy before the fog formation may be regarded as the starting signal of advective fog.
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Study on the Atmospheric Stability Class over Different Surface Conditions
KANG Ling,ZHANG Hongsheng,WANG Zhiyuan,CHEN Jiayi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract711)            Save
According to observational data of meteorological tower and surface in desert, foothill, and coastal zone, methods to calculate the atmospheric stability by using P-T, ΔT, ΔT/U, ΔT/U2, radiation, and wind-direction standard deviation were proposed. Results show that the topography is sensitive for ΔT/U2 and wind-direction standard deviation methods, and the radiation method is suitable for various surface conditions.
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Assessment of Turbulence State and Analysis of Flux Footprint over Complex Terrain
WANG Xue,CAI Xuhu,KANG Ling,ZHANG Hongsheng,CHEN Jiayi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract647)            Save
The authors used the observed turbulence data in wintertime and summertime of 2006 in Xiaomo Mountain, Hunan Province to study the state of local turbulence. The difference between the observed σu, w/u* and the results calculated from similarity function was large, and there was not clear relationship between σu, w/u* with wind directions. It is suggested that the local turbulence was generally not developed completely and was easily disturbed. By using a footprint model, it is found that the flux measurements in Xiaomo Mountain were representative of two types of topography: plain region and hilly region. In winter, the northern plain regions played a major role in the overall footprint sources, and the contribution of hilly area only accounted for 21% . While in summer, the influence of southern hilly area was large, with the contribution of 54% .
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An Observation Study of Turbulent Flux Measured on Tower in Hilly Area, Central China
WANG Xue,CAI Xuhui,KANG Ling,ZHANG Hongsheng,SONG Yu,CHEN Jiayi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract606)            Save
An observation tower was erected on Xiaomo Mountain, Hunan Province. Besides the collection of turbulence information, routine meteorological data were collected during 2006. Diurnal variances of wind and temperature profiles in winter and summer were analyzed as well as seasonal variances of wind speed and wind direction. Furthermore, sensible heat fluxes calculated using classical flux-profile relationship (Hc) are compared with the directly measured values (Hm) . It is found that the complexterrain around the tower has a distinct impact onthe values of roughness length z0 and calculated sensible heat flux (Hc); therefore it is necessaryto divide the data into 2-3 groups according to the wind directions. The following analysis show that z0 in the south part of the tower is much higher because of the hilly terrain, and the mountain slope affects the sensible heat flux remarkably. When upslope wind blows, the value of Hc is higher than Hm, and vice versa. Since the trend of the mountain is southwest-northeast, the value of Hc is similar to Hm whenthe windis fromsouthwest. Finally, Hc is corrected and the agreement between Hc and Hm is largely improved.
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Simulation on the Energy Balance over Moving Dune and Farmland in Keerqin Desert Area
CHEN Jinmin ,PENG Yan ,ZHU Hao ,ZHANG Hongsheng
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract665)            Save
Based on the applicability of one-andtwo-layer resistance models, the heat and water vapor transfer over moving dune and farmland in Keerqin desert area is simulated. The calculated fluxes are compared with values measured using Bowen ratio energy balance methods . It is found that the calculated fluxes are in agreement with the measurements. The sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, and the net radiation over moving dune are smaller than those over farmland. This result is attributed to the difference of albedo and hydrothermal characteristics between the two different underlying surfaces. The peak value of latent heat flux appears earlier than that of the sensible heat flux over the moving dune.
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A Study on Determining Aerodynamic Parameters over Gobi Desert Surface
HE Yufei,ZHANG Hongsheng,LIU Mingxing,KANG Ling
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract771)            Save
A method is proposed for determining the surface roughness length. In order to obtain z, only the fine wind profile observation are required, thus the measurement errors can be quite low. This method is particular useful for circumstances when near-neutral conditions are rare in observation. Based on the atmospheric boundary layer observation over the Gobi desert area in Hexi Corridor, the roughness z is estimated to be 0.60mm, close to the value of 0.78mm obtained by other method, which demonstrates the reliability of the authors' method. Besides, since observation at different height represent characteristics of different surface area, the height should be taken into account when determining the value of surface roughness.
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Analysis of the Micro-Meteorologic Element During the Advection Fog Period in the South of Tianjin City
WU Bingui,ZHANG Hongsheng,ZHANG Changchun,WANG Zhaoyu,YU Lili,LIU Binxian,XIE Yiyang
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract816)            Save
The micro-meteorological elements of an advection fog, which occurred in Feb 2006, were analyzed by using data from the Tianjin Meteorological Boundary Layer Tower The results show that temperature inversion and higher humidity are due to the warm and moist south-west advection, which provides the necessary conditions for the formation and maintaining of the advection fog The advection fog comes under the weak unstable condition There are double-inverse temperatures during the fog period with wind speed decreasing and wind direction shearing The fog dissipates from higher to lower layers with dry and cold air coming from the northwest associated with a cold front The long-lasting fog at lower layers is due to the subsidence inverse of cold air There is a close correlation between the characteristics of temperature profile and thickness of fog
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Dust Concentration and Micrometeorological Elements in Different Dust Storm Events
ZHU Hao,ZHANG Hongsheng,PENG Yan,CHEN Jiayi,Soon-Ung Park
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract755)            Save
Based on data from the dust storm monitoring station over Hunshandake Desert Area, Inner Mongolia, the maximum values of micrometeorological variables, turbulent fluxes and dust concentration in the surface layer are compared for eight dust events in the spring of 2004, and the characteristics of micrometeorology and radiation components in the strongest dust storm event in March 27-28 are analyzed. The results show that temperature differences in the surface layer, net radiation and sensible heat fluxes all decrease during daytime, and the strength of temperature inversion weakens at night. When dust events occur, momentum fluxes increase. It is found that both mechanical turbulence and thermodynamic turbulence play important roles in local dust rising and vertical dust transport over source regions. During the passage of the strongest dust storm event in March 27-28, dust concentration, wind speed and vertical shear of wind velocity increase rapidly, together with changes of wind direction. At the strengthening stage of the dust storm, temperature falls by about 7℃, and there is a peak value of specific humidity. Both the net radiation and sensible heat fluxes become negative. When dust concentration reaches its maximum, the net radiation rises to zero, which reflects the heating effect of dust aerosol during nighttime.
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Spectral Characteristics of Atmospheric Turbulence over Various Surface Conditions
LIU Mingxing,ZHANG Hongsheng,SONG Xingzhuo,KANG Ling,CHEN Jiayi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract670)            Save
A comprehensive study of spectral characteristics of atmospheric turbulence over different surface conditions, including the Gobi desert, grassland, suburban and urban area, outskirts was carried out. The turbulent data were collected by the same personnel, sound instrumentation, turbulent data acquisition system and turbulent processing system. Results show that thelower frequency portion of temperature and humidity spectra reveals a flatter peak than that at the upper level of urban area. Spectra curves do not reveal a regular changing tendency according to their stability conditions, but converge to a very narrow bend in both the lower and higher frequency portions. The value of humidity spectra in low-frequency in Gobi is higher than that in other sites. The humidity characteristics are similar with temperature in humid regions.
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Characteristics of Temperature and Humidity Profiles in the Boundary-Layer over Baiyangdian Wet Land in Late Summer Season
LIU Xinjian,ZHANG Hongsheng,SONG Xingzhuo,KANG Ling,CHEN Jiayi,LI Aiguo,HU Fei
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract976)            Save
An experiment on heterogeneous underlying surface was conducted by Peking University and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), in Baiyangdian in September of 2005. High-precision humidity and temperature measurements were made at two different sites with underlying surfaces of land and water, respectively. Profiles of temperature and humidity were also studied. The results indicate that the structures of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) over Baiyangdian Wetland are different from that in other places, such as humidity and temperature inversion appears frequent. It is found that the ABL over the land surface has a lower temperature, shallower ABL depth, but higher humidity, compared with that over the lake site. The possible factors are the prevailing winds, energy budget and land-air interaction. This experiment also provide an opportunity to test the quality of humidity sensor and temperature sensor designed by Peking University.
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Linking North Atlantic Oscillation to Stream Discharge of the Manas River, Northwestern China
NAN Feng,LI Youli,ZHANG Hongsheng
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract718)            Save
Based on the stream discharge data (1961-2001) of the Manas River in Xinjiang province and the temperature and precipitation data of nine meteorological stations in northern Xinjiang, the characteristics and laws of stream discharge, temperature, and precipitation were analyzed, which were also been made correlation analysis with North Atlantic Oscillation Index. The study shows that in winter the NAO index has positive relationships with stream discharge, while in summer the relationships are negative, and the NAO index has significant relationships with temperatures and precipitations both in winter and summer. Moreover using cross wavelet analysis, the authors found the closest oscillation periods of the relationships between the NAO index and the stream discharge of the Manas River in winter and in summer, also the characteristics of which in different timescale were analyzed.
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Determination of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Height in Unstable Conditions over the Middle Tibetan Plateau
SONG Xingzhuo,ZHANG Hongsheng,LIU Xinjian,FAN Shaohua,LIU Huizhi,HU Fei,LI Shiming,ZHOU Mingyu,BIAN Lingen,XU Xiangde
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract774)            Save
The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) height zi in unstable condition was analyzed using turbulence data from Damxung observational station, which was one of the ABL observational stations in the second Tibet Plateau Experiment (TIPEX) in 1998. Together with the observational vertical profiles of temperatures, the authors studied the diurnal and seasonal evolution characteristics of the ABL over the Tibet Plateau, analyzed both differences and similarities of the ABL between dry and wet seasons, and explored the terrain influence on the ABL height. The results show that the ABL over Tibet Plateau has the characteristics of development and lasting over a longer time.
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Study on the Structure and Evolvement of Atmospheric Boundary Layer of Frontal Fogs in Spring and Winter at Southern Suburb of Beijing
WANG Kai,ZHANG Hongsheng,WANG Qiang,LI Fuyu,CHEN Jiayi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract677)            Save
The structure of the profiles of wind velocity, temperature and humidity during the formation and dissipation of foggy periods in spring and winter are studied by using the observational data in atmospheric boundary layer obtained in the southern of Beijing in 1999. The relationship between the physical process of the formation and dissipation of the fog and the meteorological factors, such as maximum value of wind speed, PBL height, is pointed out. The physical process of the fog development affecting evolution process of atmospheric boundary layer is discussed. Thus, a physical background for improving the fog prediction accuracy and artificial dispersal is provided.
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The Characteristics of Dissipation Rates of Turbulent Variance over Damxung Area in the TIbetan Plateau
LI Fuyu,ZHANG Hongsheng,LI Shiming,ZHOU Mingyu,CHEN Jiayi,XU Xiangde,LIU Huizhi,HU Fei
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract819)            Save
The turbulent data obtained from Damxung site during TIPEX in 1998 were used to study the characteristics of dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy, temperature variance and humidity variance in the middle area of Tibetan Plateau. The results indicate that the dimensionless dissipation rates of turbulent energy are 20% less than the energy produced by velocity shear, and the dimensionless temperature and humidity variances are also 20% less than the variances produced by temperature and humidity gradients. These deficits appear to increase with the increasing of the absolute stability parameter. Moreover, the effects of turbulent transportation and pressure variance, which are related with the stability parameter, persist throughout the whole stability region. The differences between these results and some previous studies show the underlying-surface-dependant characteristics of the dissipation rates of turbulent energy, temperature variance and humidity variance.
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