


  1. 北京大学环境科学与工程学院,北京100871;
  • 收稿日期:2007-02-26 出版日期:2008-03-20 发布日期:2008-03-20

Current Status of Nitrogen Oxides Related Pollution in China and Integrated Control Strategy

ZHOU Wei, WANG Xuesong , ZHANG Yuanhang, SU Hang, LU Keding   

  1. College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871;
  • Received:2007-02-26 Online:2008-03-20 Published:2008-03-20

摘要: 分析了我国当前NOx相关污染问题现状,包括由NOx排放造成的臭氧、酸沉降、颗粒物等相关环境问题;讨论了我国NOx相关环境空气质量标准存在的问题;最后针对NOx及相关污染问题,提出了多目标综合控制和管理的建议: 执行O3标准,建立区域光化学烟雾评价监测网络;开展城市地区空气质量模拟和控制;加强电厂和机动车尾气NOx的控制;针对NOx相关污染问题开展深入的科学研究。

关键词: NOx, NO2, 空气质量标准, 控制

Abstract: Current status of nitrogen oxides-related pollution in China was analyzed, including NOx pollution and the related pollution of ozone, acid rain,particulate matter. Then the NOx and related air quality standards were reviewed. Finally, strategy for integrated and multi-target control of NOx pollution were put forward: executing ozone air quality standard, establishing the regional photochemical smog monitoring network; pursuing air quality modeling and control for Beijing, Pearl River Delta etc megacities; strengthening the control of NOx emission from power station and vehicles and setting NOx-related scientific research program.

Key words: NOx, NO2, air quality standard, control strategy
