


  1. 北京大学重离子物理研究所,重离子物理教育部重点实验室,北京,100871
  • 收稿日期:2005-04-18 出版日期:2006-05-20 发布日期:2006-05-20

The Recirculation Gas Stripper of PKUAMS

WEI De, GONG Linghua, LIU Kexin, YUAN Jinglin, JIANG Zhengyuan, REN Xiaotang   

  1. Institute of Heavy Ion Physics and Key Laboratory of Heavy Ion Physics of MOE, Peking University, Beijing, 100871
  • Received:2005-04-18 Online:2006-05-20 Published:2006-05-20

摘要: 基于EN型串列静电加速器的北京大学加速器质谱系统(PKUAMS)将主要开展高灵敏度 10Be 测量,为此需要对该加速器的剥离系统进行改造。介绍了PKUAMS循环气体剥离器的研制,包括真空系统物理设计、模拟实验以及控制系统设计等。

关键词: 循环气体剥离, 加速器质谱(AMS), 控制, 模拟实验

Abstract: The gas stripper system of the EN tandem accelerator at the Peking University is being improved for AMS 10Be measurements with super high sensitivity. The design of a recirculation gas stripper, including the vacuum system and control system, is presented. The experimental results on a simulation test bench are also described.

Key words: recirculation gas stripper, accelerator mass spectrum (AMS), control, simulation experiments
