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Characteristics and Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Volatile Organic Compounds of Tai’an Urban Area in Autumn
WANG Lu, ZHOU Xu, LIU Yuehui, LIU Hui, ZHANG Yinglei, FAN Guangyu
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2024, 60 (2): 329-340.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2024.007
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The preconcentration/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with FID detector method was used to observe the 115 atmospheric volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of Tai’an urban area in autumn 2020. The average volume fraction of VOCs during the observation period was (67.50±25.55)×10−9, dominated by alkanes (34.86%) and oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) (32.03%). The atmospheric chemistry reactivity of VOCs was estimated using ozone formation potential (OFP) and the OH radical loss rate (LOH), respectively. The OFP of Tai’an in autumn was (241.50±6.91)×10−9, mainly contributed by OVOCs (39.92%) and aromatics (33.03%). The calculated LOH was 7.34±0.33 s−1, which was dominated by OVOCs (56.32%). The contribution of VOCs to the potential for secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation was estimated using the fractional aerosol coefficients (FAC), and the results showed that SOA formation potential was (366.58±37.80)×10−9, dominated by aromatics (98.79%). The results of the characteristic species ratio analysis showed that the VOCs of Tai’an in autumn were influenced by local sources such as traffic-related emissions, solvent use and combustion sources. The source apportionment results showed that the contribution of motor vehicle emissions to VOCs was the highest at 26.1%, with the contributions from gasoline vehicle exhaust emissions and diesel vehicle exhaust emissions being 19.4% and 6.7%. The contribution of solvent use and industrial sources to VOCs was comparable at 20.1% and 19.9%, respectively. The contribution of stationary combustion sources and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) use was 16.2% and 12.3%, respectively. Biogenic sources contributed the lowest percentage of 5.4%.
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Network Features of Root-Associated Fungi of Pinus Sylvestris var. Mongolica Plantations and Response to Climate Factors in the Mu Us Desert
LIU Ye, REN Yue, GAO Guanglei, DING Guodong, ZHANG Ying, ZHAO Peishan, WANG Jiayuan
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2023, 59 (3): 467-477.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2023.031
Abstract242)   HTML    PDF(pc) (2142KB)(127)       Save
To reveal the dynamic characteristics of root-associated fungal communities of P. sylvestris plantation, the co-occurrence network of root-associated fungi in P. sylvestris plantation were analyzed by using molecular ecological network analysis in the Mu Us Desert and its response to climate factors in different stand ages (27 a, 33 a and 44 a) and their annual growth stages (early growth season, vigorous growth season and end-of-growth season). The following conclusions are obtained. 1) Different growing seasons rather than different stand ages had significant differences in the co-occurrence network of fungi in roots of P. sylvestris plantation, and the co-occurrence network of fungi in roots was more complex in the vigorous growing season. 2) The keystone species of root-associated fungi of P. sylvestris plantation were significant in different growing seasons and stand ages. The keystone genera mainly included Geopora, Tomentella, Phaeosphaeria, Neocucurbitaria, Mortierella, etc. Ectomycorrhizal and saprophytic fungi were the keystone taxa in the early and end of the growth season, and saprophytic fungi and pathogens were the keystone taxa in the vigorous growth season. Meanwhile, the keystone taxa of middle-aged forest were saprophytic fungi and pathogens, while the mature forest were ectomycorrhizal and saprophytic fungi. 3) Relative humidity was the main influencing factor for ectomycorrhizal fungi network, and average precipitation and relative humidity were the main influencing factors for saprophytic fungi network and pathogens network (P<0.05). Therefore, the network dynamic of root-associated fungi of P. sylvestris plantation in different growing seasons was stronger than that of stand age in Mu Us Desert, and the co-occurrence network structure was more complex in the vigorous growth season. The root-associated fungal network was mainly affected by average precipitation and relative humidity. Saprophytic fungi played an important role in maintaining the stability of the fungal network in different stand ages and growing seasons. Saprophytic fungi and pathogens in the vigorous growth season with high precipitation and relative humidity, which potentially contributed to the growth and health of P. sylvestris plantation. 
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3D Forward Simulation of Marine Natural Gas Hydrate Production Monitoring with the Downhole Controlled-Source Electromagnetic System
LIU Ying, HE Tao, ZHANG Yi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2022, 58 (6): 1055-1068.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2022.090
Abstract374)   HTML    PDF(pc) (10788KB)(199)       Save
In order to know well the range and degree of gas hydrate dissociation during the large-scale exploitation of marine natural gas hydrate, the finite element software COMSOL is used to simulate the electromagnetic monitoring of the natural gas hydrate exploitation through the downhole controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) method. By constructing the 3D formation model containing the high-resistivity hydrate reservoir layer, the comparison between the downhole vertical source and the conventional towed horizontal source indicates that the former has advantages on the electric field responses for small source-receiver offsets required for monitoring. Then, the influence of vertical source monitoring system parameters, such as metal casing, vertical source depth, emission frequency, observation errors and noises, on the seafloor electric field responses are analyzed. The simulation results show that the metal casing, vertical source depth and emission frequency have significant influences on the seafloor electric field responses, and especially for the existence of metal casing, the vertical source should be placed below the hydrate reservoir and the low frequency such as 1 Hz of emission electrical current should be considered. The observation errors and noises of the monitoring system would not significantly affect the performance of the monitoring system with metal casing under the condition of small offsets. When the production range of the hydrate reservoir increases, the downhole vertical source monitoring system ensures that seafloor receivers can detect the electric field changes caused by hydrate exploitation and effectively identify the lateral boundary of production area. Hence, it is feasible to use the downhole CSEM method to monitor the dynamic reservoir process during marine hydrate exploitation. 
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Travel Movement Pattern Extraction Based on Social Media Data
SUN Qi, ZHANG Yi, ZHAO Pengfei, WU Mengtong
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2021, 57 (5): 885-893.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2021.063
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The authors propose a method to extract individual travel spatiotemporal behaviors from social media data, and then mine the group based on massive spatiotemporal behaviors. This study collects more than 40 million global geographic microblogs from users who have visited Suzhou, extracts 88270 tourism trajectories, and identifies 36 classes of inter-city tourism movement patterns in five categories. It is found that the extracted patterns conform to the LCF theoretical model; besides the simple movement patterns, there are more complex composite movement patterns. Based on big data, more accurate tourism movement patterns can be obtained, which helps tourism managers understand tourists’ trends and preferences, adjust destination marketing strategies, optimize tourism resource allocation, and provide better services for tourists.
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Model Inversion of Velocity Structure for Slipstream Submarine Slide Related to Gas Hydrate
LAN Kun, ZHU He, HE Tao, LIANG Qianyong, WU Xuemin, DONG Yifei, ZHANG Yi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2021, 57 (3): 435-445.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2021.005
Abstract564)   HTML    PDF(pc) (9446KB)(244)       Save
The RAYINVR software, which is widely used in academia for 2-D velocity structure model from fourcomponent OBS (ocean bottom seismometer) data, is unable to invert for the converted S-wave automatically, resulting in the low-efficiency of modeling process. Using MATLAB’s genetic algorithm, the RAYINVR software is improved and able to automatically and synchronously invert for Poisson’s ratios of each layer with all subblocks for the S-wave velocity structure model, and thus can provide Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio and other important mechanical information for gas hydrate survey. This method is applied to process the OBS data collected at the Slipstream submarine slide, and a fine P- and S-wave velocity structure model is obtained, which is comparable to the logging data of nearby borehole U1326. Therefore, the validity of the auto-synchronous inversion method is verified for the S-wave velocity structure modeling. The optimal velocity model reveals two structural interfaces with large Poisson’s ratio contrast. One is BSR (bottom simulating reflector) at 230±10 mbsf (meter beneath sea floor), which represents the bottom boundary of the gas hydrate stability zone, and the other is the basal boundary of a shallow abnormal high-speed body (possibly a sand body enriched with high saturation gas hydrate) at 75?100 mbsf. The latter agrees roughly with the glide plane of Slipstream submarine slide, indicating that the hydrate is related to the formation of submarine landslide.
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Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Construction Land Use Intensity and Its Driving Mechanism in China
ZHANG Yibin, HUANG An, ZU Jian, LIU Chao, SHI Yunyang, HAO Jinmin
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2020, 56 (5): 893-906.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2019.122
Abstract722)   HTML    PDF(pc) (4549KB)(352)       Save
Taking the cut-off years of China’s four five-year development strategies as the research time point, based on the radial function (RBF) neural network model, China’s 337 municipal administrative units (except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) construction land utilization strength in 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015 was measured, and the exploratory spatial data analysis model (ESDA) was used to analyze its spatial and temporal evolution pattern. The main driving factors of spatiotemporal differentiation of construction land use intensity in China were analyzed by using geographically weighted regression model (GWR). The results show that from 2000 to 2015, China’s construction land use intensity showed an overall upward trend, and the spatial difference was significant. The high-intensity utilization level was mainly concentrated in the Bohai Rim Economic Zone, major coastal cities and provincial capital cities. The intensity of china’s construction land utilization presented spatial self-correlation, and the global pattern of separation was basically consistent with the pattern of cold hot spot distribution and spatial heterogeneity. The spatial pattern evolution of China's construction land use intensity was mainly affected by four factors: economic development level, industrial structure, urbanization level and government economic regulation. The rank of its influence degree was urbanization level < industrial structure < level of economic development < government economic regulation.
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Study on Endogenous Dynamics and Evaluation of Intensive Use of Construction Land Based on the Perspective of Elements
ZU Jian, HAO Jinmin, AI Dong, WANG Nan, LI Mu, ZHANG Yibin
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2020, 56 (4): 745-754.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2020.006
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Based on the perspective of factors, this study used the literature method and comprehensive analysis method to draw on the basic theory, and deeply analyzed the endogenous dynamics and characteristics of the intensive use of construction land, and then discussed and constructed the framework of the construction land intensive evaluation system. An empirical study was conducted in nine cities (autonomous prefectures) in Guizhou Province. The conclusions show that: 1) The intensive use of construction land has its own objective laws. Its endogenous driving force includes population power, natural power and economic power. Policy systems, planning and control, and technological advancement are taken as its exogenous driving force through supply and demand mechanisms and aggregation effects. Mechanisms and factor substitution mechanisms lead to changes in the number and structural changes of endogenous motive elements, thus resulting in different intensive utilization types and intensive utilization levels. 2) The evaluation of construction land intensive degree is a comprehensive evaluation, and its expression is no longer confined to the intensive integration of single land elements, but should be an intensive ensemble of all factors that covers the degree of intensive population factors, the degree of intensive energy components and the degree of intensive economic factors. The evaluation index system should also include the population factor criteria layer, the energy factor criteria layer and the economic factor criteria layer. 3) The process of intensive land use of full element for construction land in Guizhou Province is relatively slow, and the intensive degree of construction land in most cities (autonomous prefectures) is in a fluctuation trend. The spatial pattern of intensive use of construction land in Guizhou Province have been optimized, and the spatial variability shows a trend of decreasing first and then increasing from 2010 to 2016. 4) The levels of intensive utilization of nine cities (autonomous prefectures) in the province are dominated by low-level intensive use and low-level extensive utilization, and population factors and economic factors play a major intrinsic impetus.
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Community Structure and Functional Groups of Fungi in the Roots Associated with Pinus sylvestri var. mongolica in the Hulunbuir Sandy Land
WEI Xiaoshuai, GUO Mishan, GAO Guanglei, REN Yue, DING Guodong, ZHANG Ying
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2020, 56 (4): 710-720.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2020.040
Abstract1323)   HTML    PDF(pc) (1486KB)(225)       Save
To reveal the fungal community structure and functional groups in the roots associated with P. sylvestris, natural forest and different-aged plantations were analyzed using field investigation and molecular biotechnology in the Hulunbuir Sandy Land. 520 fungal OTUs were obtained from root tip samples of P. sylvestris, and belonged to 197 genera, 87 families, 5 phyla. Basidiomycota and Ascomycota had higher relative abundances, accounted for 54.98% and 39.27% respectively. The dominant bacteria in natural forest were Geminibasidium, Russula and Phialocephala, whereas the dominant bacteria in plantation were Suillus, Phialocephala and Tricholoma. Further, the relative abundance of other bacteria fluctuated with the stand age. The α diversity index of fungi in the roots of P. sylvestris plantation decreased gradually with the increasing of stand age. Among the different stands, the fungal diversity in the roots of mature forest was significantly lower than that in near-mature and middle-aged plantations as well as natural forest (P<0.05). Although the fungal community composition associated with P. sylvestris natural forest and plantations had stable variability, and near-mature forest is the closest to natural forest, natural forest and mature plantation obviously differed in the composition of fungal community. The proportion of symbiotic trophic fungi increased with the increasing of stand age. Conversely, the saprophytic and pathological trophic fungi decreased with the aging forest. The proportion of symbiotic trophic fungi in natural forest was similar with near-mature plantation, however saprophytic trophic fungi was the dominant type in natural forest. In the Hulunbuir Sandy Land, the fungal community in the root of P. sylvestris has complex structure and diverse species. The main functional groups are ectomycorrhizal and undefined saprophytic fungi. Some fungi show different ecological strategies in different stands.
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Feature Analysis of City’s Tourism Districts Based on Social Media: A Case Study of Suzhou
WANG Wenfu, CHEN Zihao, SUN Qi, ZHANG Yi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2019, 55 (3): 473-481.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2018.033
Abstract1164)   HTML    PDF(pc) (3605KB)(265)       Save
A new method is proposed using area feature-tourism districts as analysis unit. Firstly, spatial-temporal behaviors of individual tourists are extracted from social media data. Secondly, the city’s tourism districts are extracted based on spatial-temporal behaviors. Finally, tourism districts are analyzed by 3 kinds of features — ourist activity features, tourist origin features and the structure features of tourism district network using tourism districts as nodes and tourist flow as edges. In the empirical research of Suzhou, 7 tourism districts are extracted based on spatial-temporal behaviors. The spatial structure of tourism districts is generally the same as “1-core-1-corridor-3-district” pattern in Suzhou tourism planning. The feature analysis of Suzhou tourism districts indicates that the Ancient City Tourism District and the Ancient Town Tourism District are the core tourism districts, which attracts tourists from various and distant origins. The tourism districts in and near Suzhou urban area attract more tourists. Suzhou tourism districts have already formed into a multi-core structure. This research shows the effectiveness of extracting city’s tourism districts based on social media data and researching city’s tourism with tourism districts as analysis unit, providing a new approach for research on urban tourism.
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Noether Symmetry and Conserved Quantity for Fractional Birkhoffian Systems in Terms of Riesz Derivatives
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2016, 52 (4): 658-668.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2016.068
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The Noether symmetry and the conserved quantity for a fractional Birkhoffian system in terms of Riesz fractional derivatives are studied. The fractional Pfaff variational problems are presented and the fractional Birkhoff’s equations are established within Riesz-Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives and Riesz-Caputo fractional derivatives, respectively. Based on the invariance of the Pfaff action under the infinitesimal transformations, the Noether theorems for the fractional Birkhoffian system are given. The proof of the Noether theorem is done in two steps: first, the Noether theorem under a special one-parameter group of infinitesimal transformations without transforming the time is proved; second, by using a technique of time-reparameterization, the Noether theorem in its general form is obtained. Two examples are given to illustrate the application of the results.

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Strain and Kinematic Vorticity Analysis of the Liaonan Metamorphic Core Complex Ductile Detachment Zone
LI Jianbo, GUO Lei, OUYANG Zhixia, ZENG Tao, DING Yuanjun, ZHANG Ying
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2015, 51 (6): 1078-1090.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2015.111
Abstract1158)      PDF(pc) (2298KB)(756)       Save

The Liaonan metamorphic core complex (MCC) developed a NNE trend, NWW-dipped, low-angle detachment fault. Ductile shear zone occurred in the lower part and mainly consists of mylonitic granitic gneisses, which indicated a top-to-NWW shearing. Finite strain measurement of feldspar strain markers were estimated by the Rf /φ method. It suggested that strain intensities of mylonites (Es) changed from 0.36 to 1.0 with an average of 0.75. Fulin and Hossack diagrams indicated strain types were close to flattening strain (lod parameter υ=0.11-0.98). Kinematic vorticity of mylonitic foliations and stretching lineations were estimated by Mohr diagram method and long and short axis method. The results indicated that kinematic vorticity ranged from 0.74 to 0.96 with an average of 0.85, which suggested that the foliations and lineations of mylonites recorded a bulk simple-dominated general shearing. The Kinematic vorticity during formation of extensional crenulation cleavage estimated by C′ method ranged from 0.10 to 0.84 with 0.58 on average. It recorded a later bulk pure-dominated general shearing. Based on the strain measurement, kinematic vorticity and thickness of the detachment fault, the quantification of thinning for the ductile shearing were calculated, which ranged from 130 to 705 m. All results suggested that the deformation mechanism of the Liaonan MCC was represented by earlier simple-dominated shearing and later pure-dominated shearing.

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Kinematical and Dynamical Simulation of Planar Multi-freedom Manipulators with Non-fixed Collision
YAO Wenli,GAO Lulu,ZHANG Yingxue
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract778)      PDF(pc) (379KB)(498)       Save
Collision on multi-freedom planar manipulators is studied. According to the geometrical feature of the manipulators, the relatively simple method to test when and where the contact and impact occur is given, which can avoid the complicated iterative search process. The dynamics equations during collision and free flight phase are derived and the Newton coefficient of restitution is introduced to solve the problem of collision. The general calculating frame describing the whole motion including smooth collision is established. Numerical simulation implies that the proposed scheme is valid.
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Research on Structural Characteristic of Destination’s Virtual Network: The City of Huangshan as a Case Study
ZHANG Yi,CAO Jingjing,QI Lina,WU Bihu
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract801)      PDF(pc) (568KB)(354)       Save
Taking the destination of Huangshan as a case study, its virtual network is examined to explore the structural characteristics based on complex theory. The results show that it is a sparse network with small world effect; its degree distribution follows power law with exponents between 1 and 2; its nodes tend to link the other nodes with different types, and the interconnection of the nodes is not influenced by distance and degree. Huangshan tourism network is compared with random network, WWW and other tourism web networks for exploring the relationship between virtual and real tourism networks. The authors argue that the network of tourism websites is not only an information network but also a social network and it can be seen as a close representation of its real network in the web space. In this sense, the structural characteristics of the web graph of a destination directly reflect the features of its real network.
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Degradation Mechanism of Three Nitrogen Heterocyclic Compounds by a Microbial Consortium
ZHANG Yin,ZHENG Zhongyuan,ZHAO Cui,ZHANG Yongming,LIU Rui,WEN Donghui
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract589)      PDF(pc) (499KB)(272)       Save
A microbial consortium M19, originated from four degrading bacteria for degrading pyridine (Shinellazoogloeoides BC026), quinoline (Pseudomonas sp. BW004), and carbazole (Pseudomonas sp. BC039 and BC046) were used to explore the simultaneous degradation mechanism of nitrogen heterocyclic compounds (NHCs). The experimental results showed that the simultaneous degradation efficiency of the three NHCs by M19 was higher than those by any single strain. The intermediate products from quinoline degraded by M19 were the same as those by BW004. All four bacterial strains grew well in the media containing three NHCs, and the quinoline degradation gene (qorL) and carbazole degradation gene (carAa) had been held and expressed. The mechanism of NHCs’ simultaneous degradation by M19 was the simple superposition of the 3 degradation processes carried by each strain, however, the strains benefited from each other due to the rapid reduction of toxicity from NHCs.
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Analysis on Environmental Proxies of the Holocene Loess Profile near Taosi Site in Linfen Basin
LI Tuoyu,MO Duowen,HU Ke,WANG Haibin,GUO Yuanyuan,ZHANG Yifei,REN Xiaolin
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract711)      PDF(pc) (2078KB)(627)       Save
The ZLTC (Zhongliangtiechang) profile lies outside the north wall of Taosi Site in Linfen Basin, Shanxi, China. Based on systematic measurement and analysis of grain size, magnetic susceptibility, Rb/Sr ratio and CaCO3, and combining the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages and the archaeological data, the authors investigate the regional environment change during the Holocene and the relationship between environment and human activities. The results show that, during the early Holocene (10.5 to 9.6 kaBP), the East Asian winter monsoon intensity is weak, and the intensity of weathering and pedogenesis enhances remarkably, thus the climate turns from cool-dry to warm-wet; during the early-middle Holocene (9.6 to 4.9 kaBP), the intensity of weathering and pedogenesis is at its maximum in the profile, thus the climate is warm-wet; during the middle-late Holocene (4.9 to 2.5 kaBP), the intensity of weathering and pedogenesis diminishes gradually, thus the climate turns to warm-dry; during the late Holocene (2.5 kaBP to present), the East Asian winter monsoon intensity is strong, the intensity of weathering and pedogenesis is weak, thus the climate turns to cool-dry. The warm-wet climate correlates well with the development of culture, while the vegetation degradation could be influenced by climate and human activities in cool-dry period.
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Application and Problem Discussion of On-line Atmospheric Mercury Analyzer in Field Measurement: Take Measurement in Wuxi in Winter for Example
CHEN Zhijun,ZHANG Yinsong,ZENG Limin,WEI Yongjie,TANG Xiaoyan
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
An Empirical Study on Creation Motivations for Links of Tourism Attractions
ZHANG Yi,GAO Yizhao,JIANG Xiaorong,QI Lina,WU Bihu
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Environmental Changes and Human Activities on Both Sides of Sarah Wusu River, in Song (Xixia) and Yuan Dynasty
HU Ke,MO Duowen,WANG Hui,ZHANG Yifei
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract730)            Save
Based on comprehensive analysis of the stratigraphic age, ancient ruins distribution, pollen analysis nearby Sarah Wusu River and archaeological information, ancient literature about this river, combined with field investigation, the authors found that the geomorphology hydrologic situation, vegetation, desertification and human activities have changed a lot on both sides of Sarah Wusu River since the Tang Dynasty. These changes are the results of both downcutting and climate change of Sarah Wusu River. The deep valley of Sarah Wusu River began to form after mid and late Tang Dynasty, and there were few lakes with almost no human activities before that time. The downcutting of Sarah Wusu River formed wetlands environment on it’s both sides in the Song and Yuan Dynasties which was suitable for the lush pastoral economy, resulting in prosperity of human activities. After the Yuan Dynasty, the depth of the river was too deep, causing the deterioration of the hydrological conditions. Along with climate change and human activities, it led to decline of environment and human activities. It was also an important reason for the desertification event in late Ming Dynasty.
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Motivation Analysis for Inlinks to a Tourism Attraction?s Website Based on Reference Theory: A Case Study of Mt. Huangshan
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract635)            Save
The number of inlink to a tourist attraction's official website has been interpreted as its attractiveness in the previous study. However, hyperlink creation motivation study is required to validate this finding. For overcoming the problems of motivation research at present, this paper provides a new method based on reference theory, which considers that the domain name of a tourist attraction's website has not only reference(that is, refers to a website) , but also meaning (reflects the significance of using its hyperlink). Through a case study of Mt. Huangshan, it shows that the inlink creation is not random, the domain names which have the same reference could have different meaning and its meaning reflects the distribution of the significance of using its hyperlink. It also shows that the main creation motivations of inlink to a tourist website are to recommend the tourist attractions. In particular, almost 90% of inlinks pointing to the domain name ( which is the most representative for Huangshan Mountain are related to tourism. The results above provide evidence for the interpretation of the tourist attraction?s inlink count as its attractiveness.
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A Landmark-Based Linear Referencing Method
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract753)            Save
The traditional linear referencing methods utilize network nodes as the references, but positioning and way finding in linear networks are always referenced by landmarks in common sense. Based on landmarks, a new linear referencing method is presented. Landmarks are adopted into alinear network by defining their projections to substitute network nodes as the referenced originpoints. And a landmark-based network Voronoi diagramis constructed. Then any point on the network can be linear referenced relatively by its Voronoi generator using a pair of the neighbor landmark and their shortest path. This landmark-based linear referencing method is proved sound, complete, and unique except the boundaries. It is coordinated to the human’s commonsense spatial cognation and straightforward to be understood and utilized. This method can also support many complex GIS applications such as route cognition, wayfinding, k-nearest neighbor search, and retail stores analysis, etc.
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Research onthe Measurement of the Impact of a Mega-Event on the Awareness of Tourism Attractions in Host City
QI Lina,ZHANG Yi,WU Bihu,SONG Lili
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract769)            Save
To measurethe impact of a mega-event on the awareness of tourism attractions in host city, an approach was developed based upon hyperlink analysis ?Hyperlink Change Analysis. Its idea is based on two assumptions: 1) the larger the number of inlinks of the tourism attraction’s official Web site , the higher its awareness; 2) under general circumstances, the growth of the number of inlinks of tourismattraction’s official site is similar to linear growth. If these two assumptions are correct, then the general growth pattern will be changed by mega-events, so that change of inlinks can measure the impact of a mega-event on the awareness of tourism attractions in host city. The paper explores the feasibility of hyperlink change analysis through researching the change of the number of inlinks of Beijing tourism attractions’official Web site during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
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An Automatic Approachto On- Demand Resource Management
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract568)            Save
Managing resources on-demand is appealedin order to ensurethat provided resources not only are enough to meet non-function requirements of services but also contain no redundancy against resource wasting. On-demand resource management can be archived through the collaboration of resource provision and consumption by allocating resource to the optimized system which consumes resource as few as possible. The authors present an automatic approach to on-demand resource management. Resource management tasks including resource allocating and reclaiming are implemented with autonomous control rings driven by two algorithms respectively for resource consumption optimization and dynamic resource provision.
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Modeling the Dynamic Evolvement of Road Networks Based on Object Version Management Methods
LIU Yuefeng,LU Binbin,ZHANG Yibo,LIU Ting
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract527)            Save
A spatio-temporal data model is proposed to represent dynamic road networks based on Base State with Amendments model and object-version management theories. The network is considered to be comprised of road links and intersections, of which the evolution processes are studied respectively. Moreover, three operators on the objects: creation, deletion and update, as well as integrity constrains, are all discussed. On the basis above, a spatio-temporal data model is established and query algorithms are proposed. Database and query system are developed with the road networks data of Beijing. The status can not only be reflected, but also the historical states and evolution process can be described effectively in this model.
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Comparative Embryology of Aerial and Subterranean Flowers of Amphicarpaea edgeworthii Benth. (Leguminosae)
SHAN Jinggang,ZHANG Yi,GENG Shilei,RAO Guangyuan
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract771)            Save
Amphicarpaea edgeworthii Benth. is an amphicarpic legume widespread in China, of which three types of flowers can be produced in the same individual: aerial chasmogamous flowers, aerial cleistogamous flowers, and subterranean cleistogamous flowers. The morphological and embryological characteristics of aerial and subterranean flowers were examined by light and scanning electronic microscopes. The anther of aerial chasmogamous flowers was 4-sporangiate, and of Glandular tapetum. Cytokinesis of microspore mother cells in meiosis was of the Successive type, and tetrads were tetradedral. The mature pollen grains were 2-celled. The ovule was biteguminous and crassinucellate. The development of embryo sac was of the Polygonum type. The embryogeny was of the Onagrad type, and endosperm development corresponded to the Nuclear type. The embryological characteristics of the subterranean flowers were quite similar to those of aerial chasmogamous flowers. The main differences from the latter were: the anther was 2-sporangiate; the meiosis of microspore mother cells was accompanied by the Simultaneous and Successive types, and tetrads were tetrahedral and isobilateral. Meanwhile, embryological data available in Papilionoideae plants were analyzed, and the phylogenetic position of A.edgeworthii was discussed.
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The Calculation of Coherence Bandwidth on Shortwave Channel
LI Yanli,ZHANG Yiwei,DUAN Xiaohui,JIAO Bingli
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract1140)            Save
The authors explain a double layers and plane valley electron density profile The coherence bandwidth of shortwave channel is calculated by using the density profile and wave propagation features in ionosphere Finally, coherence bandwidths for different operating frequencies and ground distances are obtained Because the double layers and plane valley model can analyze more exactly the multipath components and their path losses, it can obtain coherence bandwidths more closely to the measured values than those of the single layer model
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Cauchy Problem for the “Bad” Boussinesq-Type Equation with Damping Term
LI Qingshan,LI Hong,SONG Changming,ZHANG Yiran
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract654)            Save
The Cauchy problem for the “bad” Boussinesq-type equation with damping term uu-uxx-2kuxxt-αuxxxx=β(u<>sup>n)xx is studied Where k, α and β are real numbers, with k>0,α>0, and n≥2 is an integer It proves that for any T>0 the Cauchy problem admits a global smooth solution u∈C((0,T];H(R))∩C([0,T];H1(R))∩C1([0,T];H-1(R)) under suitable assumptions on the initial data
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A New Component of Core Self-Evaluation in Predicting Burnout:Collective Self-Esteem
GAN Yiqun,XI Zhuangzhuang,HU Yueqin,ZHANG Yiwen
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract855)            Save
The objective of the present study is to identify the structure of core self-evaluation and explore its relationship with burnout among Chinese college students. One hundred eighty-four university students completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (SES), General Self-Efficacy Scale, Rotter's Locus of Control Scale, the Neuroticism dimension of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), and Luhtanen & Crocke's Collective Self-esteem Scale. Results indicate that three of the four classic dimensions of core self-evaluation?self-esteem, general self-efficacy and collective self-esteem correlate positively with all three burnout dimensions,whereas neuroticism correlate negatively with all three burnout dimensions. On the other hand, locus of control fail to correlate significantly with any burnout dimensions. In three hierarchical models predicting burnout dimensions, collective self-esteem demonstrats significant increment variances of 2.4%-4.9% beyond four western classic core self-evaluation dimensions.The present study reveales an improtant component of core self-evaluation among Chinese college students:collective self-esteem.
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Using Contingent Valuation Method to Value Environmental Resources: A Review
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract903)            Save
Contingent valuation method (CVM) is a kind of stated preference (SP) approaches which employs a hypothetical market to extract WTP or WTA for environmental goods. CVM has become one of the most widely used non-market valuation techniques due to its ability and flexibility to estimate total value, including non-use value. Based on a general review, the paper summarizes the main problems and controversies concerning CVM, namely, the involvement of non-use value into cost-benefit analysis, and validity and reliability of the results. According to the turning point in CVM studies after 1993, tests of validity and reliability are specially illustrated. A concluding remark is then presented and further study areas put it forward. It is believed that even in developing countries like China, CVM is still a promising method to value environmental goods, on the premise of extremely careful and proper conduction of the survey including questionnaire design, survey administration and data processing.
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An Improvement in the VLSI Implementation of Montgomery Algorithm
ZHANG Yihao,TIAN Ze,YU Dunshan,SHENG Shimin
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract768)            Save
Modular exponentiation of large operands is the kernel operation in many public-key cryptosystems, RSA algorithm for instance. Montgomery algorithm is often used as a solution. In the VLSI implementation of Montgomery algorithm, the speed is the top target. An improvement is proposed with little or even no increase in the hardware area but apparently saving much time.
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Echo Analysis of An Multiple Thunderstorms Process in Chengdu Shuangliu Airport
SHEN Hongbin,TAO Zuyu,ZHANG Yi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract895)            Save
23 thunderstorms occurred for twenty successive days from July to August, 2000. The weather situation are analyzed. Results show that they comprise 11 local heat thunderstorms and 12 systemic thunderstorms. The characteristic of the two kinds of thunderstorms echo have been analyzed and compared. It shows that there are obvious difference in their echo parameters、spatial and temporal distribution、original source、movement and evolution. The systemic thunderstorm are complex of organizational and systemic multiple cell. The life span of the thunderstorm consist of life span of every cell, so lifetime of them greatly longer than that of anyone convection cell. New cell is created and developed over confluence of cold downdraught and front warm current. The thunderstorms have been developed and maintained by means of this mechanism.
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