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Determination and Influence of Solid Angle in High Accuracy Analysis
QIN Liqing, YAN Sha, ZHU Jipeng, GAO Yuan, XUE Jianming, WANG Yugang
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2020, 56 (2): 199-205.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2020.009
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In order to achieve high accuracy IBA (ion beam analysis), the calculation error of solid angle were discussed meticulously. The accuracies of face to point solid angle and approximate solid angle were calculated, based on face to face solid angle which contained area of beam spot. Based on 4.5 MV electrostatic accelerator ion beam target chamber of Peking University, solid angle influenced by distributions of cross-section and beam intensity was determined. A geometry-condition estimation for accuracy of approximate solid angle better than 1% was given and verified by two examples. For fatherly achievement of high-accuracy solid angle, accurate machining such as laser processing is required.
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Development of Multi-energies NRA Methods for Depth Profiling of Deuterium Based on 4.5 MV Electrostatic Accelerator in Peking University
XIAO Xuan, YAN Sha, ZHU Jipeng, GAO Yuan, XUE Jianming, WANG Yugang
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2016, 52 (5): 767-775.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2015.129
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To fulfill the need of studying the deuterium retention in nuclear materials, the authors set up an NRA to analyze device with three channel detecting system based on 4.5 MV electrostatic accelerator in Peking University, and developed a multi-energies NRA method for quantitative depth profiling deuterium. With the simultaneous energy spectra of p and 4He created by the D (3He, p) 4He nuclear reaction, by adopting several different incident 3He+ energies (0.8?3.6 MeV), a reasonable better depth resolution and higher sensitivity in a larger analyzing depth could be obtained. The authors also measured differential cross-section of the 3He-D reaction at 135°. The relative accuracy of these data was better than ±3.9%. The initial measurement of concentration and depth profiles of D was carried out, using targets of implanted PC-W samples, as well as CMSIIW samples from a W-coated outer divertor tile of TOKAMAK AUG near the strike points. A ~6 μm analyzed depth could be obtained with a depth resolution less than 1.5 μm throughout the whole detecting range and a ~20 nm minimal resolution at the sample surfaces. The detection limit was around 5×1019 D/m2. Apart from the statistical and fitting error of NRA spectra, the NRA system had an experimental error of ±7.5% from the parameter measurement.

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Advances in Modeling of Clearance Joints and Dynamics of Mechanical Systems with Clearances
YAN Shaoze, XIANG Wuweikai, HUANG Tieqiu
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2016, 52 (4): 741-755.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2016.094
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Recent developments in modeling of clearance joints and dynamics of mechanical systems with clearances are reviewed. Different modeling approaches for clearance joints are summarized firstly, which comprise the massless link approach, the non-smooth dynamics approach, the contact force approach and the 3D revolute joint approach. Then, applications of these approaches in the study of the nonlinear dynamics, and performance and reliability evaluation of the mechanical systems with clearances are systematically reviewed. Finally, the key problems and priorities which need to be further studied are proposed, including the modeling of clearace joints considering stick-slip phenomenon, contact surface profile and conformal contact condition, the dynamic analysis and kinematic accuracy evaluation of mechanical systems with both clearances and uncertainties, and the design for clearance joints.

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Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Tungsten Ablation under Transient Heat Flux
ZHU Yizhou;YAN Sha?;XUE Jianming;HE Shukai;ZHANG Boyao;WANG Yugang
   2015, 51 (4): 596-600.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2015.015
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The authors adopt molecular dynamics simulations to get a basic physical image of the tungsten ablation phenomenon induced by intense pulsed ions irradiation. A one-dimension heat transfer model is set up and a series of simulations with different pulse energy fluences are applied. Ablation threshold and ablation depth are calculated and compared with thermal dynamic theoretical values. Energy allocation condition of the simulation system are discussed, which depends on whether the pulse energy exceed ablation threshold. Based on the calculation results, the authors drew a preliminary profile of tungsten ablation under a transient high heat flux brought by energetic ions.
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Transient Thermal Response of Pure and Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Tungsten Alloys
HE Shukai,YAN Sha,ZHU Yizhou,ZHANG Boyao,XUE Jianming,WANG Yugang
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract688)      PDF(pc) (17508KB)(65)       Save
Thermal response of pure and two kinds of oxide dispersion strengthened tungsten alloys were investigated using intense pulsed ion beam (IPIB) device. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) were used to examine the surface modifications and the distributions of dispersion elements. By comparing the results, it is found that pure tungsten show a better resistance to thermal shock. From the perspective of the tolerance of heat load, WL10 and WYT are not recommended for PFMs.
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Gas-Assisted Etching of Micro-Hole Lattice Array on Lithium Niobate with Focused Ion Beam
XU Xuefeng,YAN Sha,WANG Keming,WANG Xuelin,XUE Jianming,WANG Yugang
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract841)            Save
Two-dimensional micro-hole lattice arrays with specified structure parameters were fabricated on LiNbO3 (LN) substrateby means of focused ion beam (FIB) etching, and the influence of etching parameters, such as spot current, etching time full rate, were investaged. In order to etch good quality holes, the authors used gas-assisted etching (GAE) with focused ion beam. The results show that GAE can reduce the effect of redeposition and obtain better hole profile compared with FIB etching. According to simulative calculation, the photonic bandgap of lattice array, etched by GAE with XeF2, is more close to the ideal photonic bandgap.
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Study on Intense Pulsed Ion Beam Mixing of Ni/Ti and Al/Ti Systems
SHANG Yijun,YAN Sha,LE Xiaoyun,ZHAO Weijiang,WANG Yugang,XUE Jianming
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract664)            Save
The intense pulsed ion beam (IPIB) mixing effect of Ni/Ti and Al/Ti systems are studied. Compared with common ion beam, it is obvious that the mixing layers formed by IPIB irradiation are thicker, and the mixing rate is much higher. However, the IPIB mixing effects are various for different film/substrate systems because of their different thermodynamic properties. During IPIB irradiation, film material lost seriously, especially for the samples with big differences in their film and substrate thermal dynamic parameters. Two IPIB mixing mechanisms which are distinct from common ion beam mixing are discussed and the reason of mass loss of film materials are analyzed.
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