
1993~1996黄海及其周边地区 MαCS 的普查分析

郑永光1, 朱佩君1, 陈敏2, 白洁3, 王立琨1, 李亚萍1, 魏雪1, 陶祖钰1   

  1. 1北京大学物理学院大气科学系暴雨监测与预测国家重点实验室,北京,100871;2北京城市气象研究所,北京,100089;3空军第七研究所,北京,100085
  • 收稿日期:2002-12-19 出版日期:2004-01-20 发布日期:2004-01-20

Meso-α-Scale Convective Systems over Yellow Sea Region during Summers of 1993~1996

ZHENG Yongguang1, ZHU Peijun1, CHEN Min2, BAI Jie3, WANG Likun1, LI Yaping1, WEI Xue1, TAO Zuyu1   

  1. 1State Key Laboratory for Severe Storm Research, Department of Atmospheric Science, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing, 100871; 2Beijing Urban Meteorological Research Institute, Beijing, 100089; 3Air Force Institute of Meteorology, Beijing, 100085
  • Received:2002-12-19 Online:2004-01-20 Published:2004-01-20

摘要: 使用日本GMS静止卫星红外云图普查了1993~1996年夏季黄海及周边地区中-α尺度对流系统(MαCS)的发生情况。结果表明,该地区是一个MαCS的多发区,并且MαCS的发生发展具有一定的间歇性。影响该地区的MαCS多数发源于大陆,但也有相当数量发源于海洋上,发源于朝鲜半岛的较少;有一半以上的MαCS在海洋之上消散;只有少数的MαCS对朝鲜半岛有影响。

关键词: 中-α尺度对流系统, 黄海, 普查

Abstract: Based on the GMS satellite IR images during the summers of 1993~1996,the meso-α-scale convective systems (MαCS) were investigated over the Yellow Sea region. The results revealed that the Yellow Sea region is a favorable zone for MαCS in eastern Asia and there exist active-MαCS period and null-MαCS period during summer in the region. The majority of MαCSs originated from the mainland of China, while the minority from the ocean and few from the Korea Peninsula. More than half of MαCSs dissipated over the Pacific Ocean, and there was few MαCS influencing on the Korea Peninsula.

Key words: Meso-α-scale convective system, Yellow Sea, investigation
