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    20 March 2014, Volume 50 Issue 2
    Phosphate Removal by a Quinoline-Biodegrading Bacterium: Characteristics and Influence Factors
    DUAN Mingjun,NI Jinren
    2014, 50(2):  361-368. 
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    Pseudomonas sp. QG6, which could utilize quinoline as sole carbon and nitrogen source, was isolated from industrial wastewater. The best conditions for simultaneously biodegrading quinoline and removing phosphorus were optimized through orthogonal experiment. Strain QG6 displayed excellent capability of biodegrading quinoline, i.e., the biodegradation process could be completed in 12 hours with initial quinoline concentration of 96?144 mg/L. With organic carbon as carbon source, inorganic nitrogen as nitrogen source and no quinoline added, the removal efficiency of 8.69?19.41 mg/L of phosphate could reach 86% in 20 hours, suggesting strain QG6 displayed perfect phosphate removal in aerobic condition. With no external organic carbon source added, the simultaneous phosphate removal efficiency of 10 mg/L was only 33% though the degradation of quinoline (C/N=7:1) with initial concentration of 144 mg/L showed little decrease. Adding external organic carbon source to initial C/N of 20:1 significantly improved phosphorus removal when simultaneously degrading quinoline, i.e., the removal efficiency of phosphate significantly increased up to 86%. Results of orthogonal experiment display that with degree of external carbon source, the optimum pH, temperature (T), rotation speed of shaking table (S) and initial concentration of quinoline (C0) in order of importance are C0=200 mg/L, T=25°C, pH=8 and S=120 rpm for quinoline degradation; and S=100 rpm, T=25°C, C0=150 mg/L and pH=9 for phosphate removal, respectively.
    Emission Inventory Prediction of Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins (SCCPs) in China
    XU Chun,XU Jianhua,ZHANG Jianbo
    2014, 50(2):  369-378. 
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    Based on the study of chlorinated paraffins (CPs) production and consumption sectors investigation and literature research, the emission of short chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) was reported. The emission inventory of SCCPs was listed and the emission of SCCPs in China during 2007 to 2011 was estimated. The total emission of China’s 2011 SCCPs is 1788.67 ton, the emissions to the atmosphere reaches 498.32 ton, the water discharge reaches 1290.35 ton; the result also shows the largest emission is the use of processing of metal cutting fluid. If there are no further steps to control the emission of SCCPs, it would reach 2562.51 ton in 2016, which would pose a huge threat to the ecological environment and human health.
    From Achievement Motivation to Academic Burnout and Engagement: Longitudinal Mediating Effect of Future-Oriented Coping
    WEN Min,GAN Yiqun,JIANG Haifei,DU Wanwan,YANG Xiangrong,CHEN Yiting,ZHENG Jingjing,GONG Xinling
    2014, 50(2):  388-396. 
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    To explore the mediating role of future-oriented coping in the relation of achievement motivation with academic burnout and engagement, 163 high school students were measured with Achievement Motivation Scale (AMS), Proactive Coping Inventory (PCI), Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS) and Engagement Scale-Student Version (UWES-S) at three time intervals. Results of the SEM show that motive to approach success influences academic burnout and engagement through preventive coping and proactive coping, but motive to avoid failure affects academic burnout and engagement only through proactive coping. Therefore, the content of inter- ventions taking to improve study state should depend on the type of the achievement motivation.
    On the Plastic Potential Theory of Elasto-plastic Constitutive Relation for Geomaterials
    YIN Youquan,DI Yuan
    2014, 50(2):  201-206. 
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    The origin, development and status of plastic potential theory are reviewed. During two ranges before and after the peak of the complete stress-strain curve for geomaterial, the material stabilities are different, so, the constitutive relation should be expressed in strain space. The constitutive equations of the plastic potential theory expressed in strain space and in stress space are presented. The elasto-plastic coupling theory for geomaterial is also discussed. The constitutive equation of plastic potential theory is commonly used for finite element displacement method, and is a practical formulation expressed in strain space. The elasto-plastic coupling theory is rigorous and self-contained, but parameters of the stiffness deterioration for geomaterial need more experimental data.
    A Phase-Based Adaptive Dynamic Insertion Policy for Reducing Last Level Cache Pollution
    HUANG Tao,WANG Jing,WANG Keyi
    2014, 50(2):  207-213. 
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    The authors analyze multiple last level cache insertion policies and propose a phase-based adaptive dynamic insertion policy based on DIP (dynamic insertion policy) for eliminating the harmful effect of non-reusable data. The experiment result shows that in comparison with LRU (least recently used), the proposed approach can reduce the last level cache misses per thousand instructions, MPKI, 7.07% on average; even in comparison with DIP policy, the new approach can also improve last level cache performance in further, and average MPKI is reduced by 4.36%.
    A Security-Enhanced UHF RFID Transponder with Novel Demodulator
    SHEN Jinpeng,WANG Xin’an,LIU Shan,LI Shoucheng,HU Tongning
    2014, 50(2):  214-220. 
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    The authors present a security-enhanced UHF RFID (radio-frequency identification) transponder with novel demodulator. The demodulator, which takes advantage of the rectifier’s first stage as the envelop detector, dosen’t need a separate envelop detector. A novel average detector is also designed, which generates an output voltage having large voltage difference with the envelop signal, making the design demand for the comparator less rigorous. Because the DC level of the envelop signals can vary significantly with the distance between transponder and reader, the comparator is designed to have rail-to-rail common mode input range. To ensure a security communication between transponder and reader, a 128-bit advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithm is employed in the baseband processor. The whole transponder chip is implemented in 0.18μm CMOS process with a die size of 880μm × 950μm. Measurement results show that the minimum input RF signal that can be demodulated is 100 mV and the maximum input data rate is 160 kb/s.
    A RISC CPU Oriented Reusable Functional Verification Platform Based on UVM
    XIE Zheng,WANG Teng,YONG Shanshan,CHEN Xu,SU Jiting,WANG Xin’an
    2014, 50(2):  221-227. 
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    With a verification environment based on the UVM (universal verification Methodology) verification methodology and UVM1.1 standard library, building a reference model through the aspect-oriented paradigm and separation of properties of function, timing and structure and generating the high functional coverage test cases based on knowledge base at the transaction level, the integrated verification platform took the PKU-DSPII as example, to implement RISC CPU-oriented functional verification and domain reuse. Experimental results show that the reusability is enhanced significantly and the coverage efficiency of the test cases improves about 7% relatively.
    A Cube Based Surface Meshing Method from Unstructured Points Set
    XU Jie
    2014, 50(2):  228-234. 
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    The authors give a new meshing method which is based on cubes. Firstly it divides the space into cubes, and calculates the confidence of the cubes that are on the object surface. Secondly it computes the resample vertices at the cubes with high confidence. Thirdly it links the resample vertices according to the cubes index and forms triangles mesh. The new meshing method does not need to consider iso-surface and inside/outside of the object, and does not need to compute the sign values at the eight corners of the cubes and distinguish the surface sides according to the normal consistency. The experiment shows that new method is suitable for unstructured point set with high topology change, and it is effective.
    Mean Climate and Meridional Heat Transport in an Aqua-Planet
    LI Qing,YANG Haijun
    2014, 50(2):  251-262. 
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    The mean climate and the meridional heat transport in a fully coupled aqua-planet are studied using the Fast Ocean Atmosphere Model (FOAM). Two idealized configurations are considered: Aqua, where the whole planet is covered by the ocean; Ridge, the only difference from Aqua is a meridional barrier blocking zonal flow in the ocean. Much warmer climate relative to the real world with little sea ice is observed in both Aqua and Ridge. The meridional temperature gradient in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) is greatly reduced, which may be responsible to the decreased atmospheric heat transport in the NH. The warming results from the decrease in planetary albedo induced by the modification of the land-ocean distribution, though partly canceled by the increase in cloud amount. There is no significant difference between Aqua and Ridge in the atmosphere, except Reversed Hadley Cells in Aqua. It is found that in general the meridional heat transport and its partitioning between the atmosphere and the ocean are robust features of the climate system, even under the significant modification in the ocean as in the aqua-planet. Diffusion induced heat transport is opposite to the mean advection induced component and is of vital importance in this robustness.
    Surface Wettability Improvement of Heat Curing Acrylic Resin by Non-thermal Atmospheric Pressure Plasma
    PAN Hong,WANG Guomin,SUN Zhihui,YE Guopin,SUN Ke,PAN Jie,ZHANG Jue,WANG Jing
    2014, 50(2):  235-241. 
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    Plasma was generated by high voltage direct current, and four working gases were Ar, Ar/O2, Ar/O2/N2 and He/O2. The treatment time of each gas group was 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 min, respectively. There were 9 samples in each group. Contact angle measurement instrument was employed to detect the contact angle before and after treatment; plasma components were analyzed by the optical emission spectroscopy (OES); elemental composition and chemical bond changes were measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis (XPS). After four plasma treatments, the surface wettability of the heat curing acrylic resin was significantly improved. After 1 min treatment, the water contact angle was significantly reduced (p<0.001), and presented clear slowdown trend over time. There existed plenty of ?OH in the plasma components according to the OES result. XPS analysis result indicated reduction of C and O proportion, and a new hydrophilic group C?OH was generated. After plasma treatments, the new hydrophilic group C?OH was formed on the surface of the heat curing acrylic resin, and this is a reasonable explanation of why the surface wettability was significantly improved after plasma treatment. It is suggested that non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma may possess a good perspective in clinical use of denture base resin.
    Influence of a Weakened Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation on Tropical Pacific Climate Mean State and ENSO Variability
    LI Xinrong,YANG Haijun,WANG Yuxing
    2014, 50(2):  242-250. 
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    The responses of the global mean climate and the ENSO to a substantial weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) are studied using water-hosing experiment in a coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model. With 1 Sv freshwater input in the North Atlantic, the AMOC slows down rapidly and weakens by almost 90%, reducing the northward oceanic heat transport, leading to a sea surface temperature (SST) dipole in the Atlantic. Through atmospheric teleconnections and local air-sea interaction, warm SST anomalies are found over the tropical Pacific. However, neither zonal SST gradient nor zonal wind stress changes significantly. The depth and slope of thermocline in tropical Pacific do not change too much, either. Accordingly, the variability of ENSO activity is essentially unchanged. These results indicate that in this model, fresh water perturbation may influence global mean climate, but has little impact on ENSO.
    Modified CISK-Rossby Waves and Low-Frequency Oscillations
    CHEN Jianzhou,ZHAO Qiang
    2014, 50(2):  263-268. 
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    A baroclinic semi-geostrophic model with the full, three-dimensional Coriolis acceleration and CISK mechanism is established, f ′ and the non-dimensional parameter η are introduced to represent the nontraditional Coriolis terms and CISK heating, respectively. The modified CISK-Rossby wave solutions of the model are obtained. Dynamics analyses and numerical calculations further confirm that the modified CISK-Rossby waves are very important physical processes in leading to the low-frequency oscillations (LFO) in the tropics.
    Estimating the Rebound Effect for Household Energy Consumption in China
    XUE Dan
    2014, 50(2):  348-354. 
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    Based on the existing research results from foreign countries, the evolution of the three definitions of rebound effect was summarized, namely energy efficiency elasticity of energy service consumption, energy service price elasticity of energy service consumption, and energy price elasticity of energy consumption. In the circumstances of data access limitation, energy price elasticity of energy consumption is an ideal definition of rebound effect to do empirical study. After considering the characteristics of household energy consumption in the whole country and the differences of energy consumption between urban and rural life, the author summarized the key impact factors for the energy consumption, and used them as variables to build a multivariate linear regression econometric model. After using E-G two step cointegration test and building the ECM model, here comes the conclusion: the equilibrium relationships exist between variables, and the long-term rebound effect is 0.27%, short-term one is 0.16%. Therefore, in the macro perspective, the residents’ household energy rebound effect aroused by efficiency improvement is small in China. It’s essential to continue adhering to the existing energy strategy and conservation routine. With carbon tax, subsidizing clean energy and electricity price ladder, people could take precautions against the rise-up of the rebound effect.
    Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Upper Member of the Guanling Formation in Yangjuan-Chupiwa Section, Guizhou Province, South China
    SUN Zuoyu,JIANG Dayong,SUN Yuanlin,HAO Weicheng
    2014, 50(2):  269-280. 
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    The conodonts biostratigraphy from the Upper Member of the Guanling Formation to the basal Yangliujing Formation in Yangjuan-Chupiwa Section was re-analysed and the conodont Neogondolella constricta cornuta, Neogondolella constricta longa, Neogondolella constricta balkanica, Neogondolella alpina alpina, Neogondolella cf. Neogondolella acuta, Paragondolella excelsa, Paragondolella torna?sis were described. Based on the stratigraphical distribution and morphological variations of these conodonts, five conodont zones were re-established and the relevant biostratigraphic comparisons were made. The results reveal that: 1) From the Upper Member of the Guanling Formation to the basal Yangliujing Formation, five conodont zones can be investigated. In ascending stratigraphical order, they are Nicoraella germanica Zone (the bottom undefined), Nicoraella kockeli Zone, Neogondolella bifurcata Zone, Neogondolella constricta Zone, and Neogondolella constricta cornuta Zone (the top undefined); 2) These conodont zones are comparable to the same-named conodont zones of the Upper Longtou Formation at Qingyan Section (platform-margin slope) and of the Guandao wedge at Guandao (2) Section (basin-margin facies) in Guizhou Province, and these conodonts are also present in the ammonoid binodosus Zone, trinodosus Zone, and reitizi Zone in the West Tethys; 3) It further proves that the studied strata can be considered as the Pelsonian-Illyrian substages of the Anisian stage (Middle Triassic), not going into the Ladinian of the Middle Triassic.
    Genesis of High Aeromagnetic Anomaly Zone in Central Tarim Basin: New Evidence from Seismic Profiles
    LI Wenshan,LI Jianghai,ZHOU Xiaobei,LI Weibo,WANG Honghao,YANG Jingyi
    2014, 50(2):  281-287. 
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    Based on a comprehensive analysis of borehole and structural features, the authors interpreted 2D seismic data in East Tarim and 3D seismic data in Central Tarim area. Under the layer of Sinian, a sag-depression dual structure intracontinental rift was identified. The rift zone consists of 4 east-west sags, and its plane distribution is consistent with the hige aeromagnetic anomaly zone. The structural and stratigraphic analysis shows that there are bimodal volcanic rock in a typical intracontinental syn-rift sags, and it is the direct reflection of the high aeromagnetic anomaly; the boundary faults of 4 sags are consistent with axial trace of high aeromagnetic anomaly zone, from which it can be inferred that the anomaly source has a vertical downward channel, and it relates to basement faults and upwelling of hypomagma. Further research involving calculation of the magnetic anomaly confirmed the Nanhua rift zone model. The east segment of high aeromagnetic anomaly zone is formed by rift zone, while it weakened until disappears to the middle and west; high aeromagnetic anomaly in Bachu segment is mainly caused by Permian basalt and the west segment belongs to North Tarim landmass.
    Study on Flow Unit of Tight Sandstone Reservoir: A Case of Yanchang Formation Chang-61 Resrvoir in Erdos Basin
    XIONG Wentao,SHI Yongmin,LIU Xinju,WANG Xiaojun,WU Luofei,WANG Lei,GUO Xinwei
    2014, 50(2):  288-294. 
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    The authors proposed on approach of multiple channel superimposed tight sandstone reservoir flow unit by using the data from a block in the middle-east part of Erdos Basin. The parameters such as porosity, permeability, reservoir quality coefficient and flow zone index were selected to classify the flow units. With the cluster analysis and discriminant analysis method, tight sandstone reservoir flow units were classified and evaluated. The study shows that proposed method is reasonable and feasible, and has certain guiding significance for development of similar reservoirs.
    Design and Implementation of Comprehensive Management Platform for Geological Data Informatization
    XIA Jing,BAI Zhiqiang,WANG Baopeng,CHANG Jieqiong,WU Yichao
    2014, 50(2):  295-300. 
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    Owing to the existing management modes sometimes appear passive effects in work efficiency, in-depth research and informatization degree, a comprehensive management platform of geological data informatization is established. According to the experience of experts, the authors design the general architecture and function modules of the platform, and build a geological database. The system possesses the function of geological data management and maintenance, geological map management and maintenance, integrated information query, user interaction and communication, numerical analysis, data chart and as well as security control. The application shows that the system runs steadily, manages geological data efficiently, greatly improves the efficiency and quality, and provides technical support for the realization of a digital, standard and modern management of geological data.
    Geochemical Characteristics of Early Cretaceous Shoshonites in the Middle and Western Northern Margin of the North China Craton and A Comparative Study
    XU Cao,HE Yuankai,WU Tairan,ZHENG Rongguo,ZHANG Wen,MENG Qingpeng,ZHANG Zhaoyu
    2014, 50(2):  301-315. 
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    Early Cretaceous potassium-riched alkaline volcanic rocks were discovered in the Suhongtu area, Inner Mongolia. These volcanic rocks display higher total alkaline contents (K2O+Na2O=5.20%~8.92%), K2O/Na2O (K2O/Na2O=0.59~1.03) and TiO2 (1.59%~2.05%) and characteristics of shoshonites series rocks. Chondrite normalized rare earth element patterns and primitive mantle normalized trace element patterns show slightly positive and negative Eu anomalies (δEu=0.88~1.11) and the enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (LILE), light rare earth elements (LREE) and high field strength elements (HFSE). Suhongtu volcanic rocks show similar geochemical characteristics to those of Siziwangqi and Southern Baiyun’ebo volcanic rocks. These volcanic rocks did not experience obvious contamination of crustal materials. Negative Nb and Ta anomalies probably imply the influence of the subducted slab of Paleo-Asian Ocean crust. Trace elements and isotopic analysis indicate that the Suhongtu and Siziwangqi shoshonites magmas were derived from EMⅠ enrichmental asthenosphere mantle altered by materials from the subducted slab of the Paleo-Asian Ocean crust, and the Southern Baiyun’ebo volcanic rocks was from a less-degree enriched source. However, their petrogenesis is similar to the depleted mantle source with various degree of enrichment. In combination with the regional geology, the middle and western part of the north margin of Northern China Craton (NCC), along which Siziwangqi, Southern Baiyun’ebo and Suhongtu volcanic rocks distributed, probably showed an similar extensional environment after orogenic period in Early Cretaceous. After the closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean in Late Triassic, a NS-trending compressive process developed in the north margin of NCC, which led the thickening of crust and the delamination of lithosphere. Then the remelting of the subducted slab of the Paleo-Asian Ocean crust, and the melt resulted in enrichment of the depleted asthenosphere mantle, and the upwelling and partial melting of the enriched mantle asthenosphere mentle formed EW-distributed Early Cretaceous shoshonites.
    Re-recognition of Deep Carbonate Dissolution Based on the Observation of in-situ Simulation Experiment
    YANG Yunkun,LIU Bo,QIN Shan,LUO Ping,ZHANG Shanming,ZHOU Minghui,SHI Kaibo,TIAN Yongjing
    2014, 50(2):  316-322. 
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    A set of new carbonate dissolution in-situ experiments was designed to simulate the real burying process and to test its affection on fluid-rock reaction. By adoption DAC, the experimental process was controlled by the heater according to the paleothermal gradient of NE Sichuan. Experiment results indicate that limestone show precipitation with the increase of temperature and pressure. Dolomite is more stable than limestone in the whole experimental process, which shows a quite different result from the standpoint that dolomite is more dissoluble than limestone in high temperature and high pressure conditions. The “dissolution window” was not observed in the whole experimental process. The experimental researches may provide some new perspectives to the recognition of the formation and preservation mechanism for the deep carbonate reservoir.
    Temporal and Spatial Variation of Ecological Risk Analysis in Yunnan Province Based on Land Use Spatial Structure
    WANG Weiqi,LI Tianhong
    2014, 50(2):  355-360. 
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    With the support of GIS and statistical analysis method, six landscape metrics reflecting the land use spatial structure were selected to build and calculate the ecological risk of Yunnan Province and its 16 prefectures using land use/cover maps of 100 m×100 m grid in 1980s, 1990, 2000 and 2005. The spatial and temporal variations of ecological risk was mapped and analyzed. Results showed that 1) The ecological risk of Yunnan Province was in the medium level with high risk in the northeast and southwest and low risk in the northwest and southeast from the view of spatial distribution; during the study periods, Diqing, Nujiang, Lijiang, Dali, Kunming, Yuxi, and Wenshan were all at a low risk level, while Lincang, Zhaotong and Qujing were in high risk areas. 2) The distribution of each prefecture’s ecological risk did not change obviously in 2005, compared with that in the 1980s. Most prefectures’ ecological risk level stayed the same level. 3) The ecological risk of each prefecture presented a trend of increasing in 1980s?1990 and 1990?2000. However, most prefectures experienced risk decrease in 2000?2005. 4) From 1980s to 2005, more than eighty percent of prefectures’ the ecological risk remained at their original level. The results can provide a scientific basis for ecological construction and regional ecological planning.
    Prediction and Zoning Evaluation of Urban Sprawl in Shenzhen
    ZHANG Jin,LI Shuangcheng,WANG Yang
    2014, 50(2):  379-387. 
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    Taking Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China as an example, CLUE-S model was used to simulate its urban sprawl in 2020. An evaluation system was established based on indicators from speed, strength, morphology, social economic benefits and ecological benefits of urban sprawl. By using SOFM network, the authors zoned the region and evaluated the urban sprawl for each zone. Main conclusions include that 1) Shenzhen can be divided into four regions according to future (2020) urban sprawl, i.e. the highly urbanized zone, the developing zone, the potential zone and the ecology priority zone, and therefore reasonable adjustments of development strategy need to be made; 2) by 2020, the overall quality of urban sprawl in Shenzhen will be high according to current trend, however, problems such as the low efficiency of land use and the incoordination of social-economic and ecological benefits still exist; 3) based on CLUE-S and SOFM, combined with urban sprawl comprehensive evaluation index system, the future urban sprawl can be predicted and analyzed effectively.
    Segmentation of High Resolution Imagery over Urban Area Using Watershed Transformation and Stratified Region Merging
    CAI Cai,LI Peijun,GUO Jiancong
    2014, 50(2):  323-330. 
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    Given that watershed transform based image segmentation methods usually produce obvious over-segmentation, and the high resolution imagery of urban areas shows some peculiar characteristics, the authors propose a hierarchical region merging method to optimize the segmentation results initially produced by watershed transformation. A multi-channel watershed transformation was adopted to generate an initial segmentation result. Through quantitative analysis of internal spectral variability of different ground objects in urban areas, the image was stratified to several layers. Region merging was separately conducted in each layer. A final segmentation result was obtained by aggregating segmentation results from these layers. The proposed method was evaluated by comparing with the existing watershed segmentation method in terms of visual inspection, quantitative measures and applications in urban land cover classification, using a QuickBird image of Beijing area. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method outperforms the existing method and it is suitable for segmentation of high resolution imagery over urban areas.
    Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data Organization Based on GeoSOT Location Identification
    Lü Xuefeng,LIAO Yongfeng,CHENG Chengqi,JIN An
    2014, 50(2):  331-340. 
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    Aiming at unified geospatial location organization and multi-scale extraction problems of global multi-source remote sensing data, a kind of unified location organization method, which adopts the GeoSOT location identification model based on global subdivision grid, is designed. In this method, geospatial regional range and position covered by multi-source remote sensing data are uniformly identified with structured cells, and a high consistent correlation, which exists between the external outline positioning and internal data block structure of remote sensing data and geospatial location, is established. The principle and test analysis show that the proposed method can more efficiently organize and manage global multi-source remote sensing data that belong to a same geographic region.
    Location Based Participatory Sensing Service
    LI Huaiyu,ZHU Han,XIAO Han,CHEN Xiuwan,TAO Li
    2014, 50(2):  341-347. 
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    Based on the core idea of sharing, a novel extensible Location Based Service (LBS) named the Location Based Participatory Sensing Service (LBPSS) is proposed. It is designed to solve the current LBS problems, such as the delay of POI (point of interest) update, the difficulty of data collection, the low viscosity of the users and so on. The architecture of the LBPSS system is described in detail and the advantages and characteristics of LBPSS compared to LBS are selectively analyzed. For the implementation of LBPSS, five key technologies like privacy protection, incentive of participation, data validation, mining and visualization, are presented. The users of LBPSS can provide the data based on the location and get the data and services at the same time, achieving the purpose of more diverse data collection and the wide data sharing usage. Finally, integrated with ArcGIS Server and Android platform, the application of LBPSS in air quality monitoring is realized to verify the feasibility and validity of the LBPSS.