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Empathy Differences between the Elderly and the Young: Discrepancies in Positive and Negative Emotions
PANG Fangfang, CHEN Wei, SU Ying, GUAN Ruiyuan
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2023, 59 (1): 161-169.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2022.099
Abstract570)   HTML    PDF(pc) (462KB)(227)       Save
The authors attempted to compare the empathy differences between the elderly and the young, by using a combined method of self-assessment questionnaire and behavioral task. In study 1, 280 elderly and 304 young adults were recruited as participants, completed Interpersonal Reactivity Index Scale (IRI), a self-assessment questionnaire on empathy. In study 2, the Multifaceted Empathy Test (MET), a behavioral task, was used in 71 older adults and 74 younger adults to compare their differences on empathy. The results showed that: 1) compared with the young group, the cognitive empathy of the elderly decreased significantly according to both the self-assessment questionnaire or performance in the behavioral task; 2) compared with the young group, the emotional empathy of the elderly decreased significantly for negative emotional stimuli; 3) within the group of elderly, the intensity of emotional empathy for positive emotion pictures was markedly higher than that for negative emotions, while no significant difference was found in the young group. These results suggest that empathy for positive and negative emotions develops separately from youth to old age. 
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Post Training Quantization Preprocessing Method of Convolutional Neural Network via Outlier Removal
XU Pengtao, CAO Jian, CHEN Weiqian, LIU Shengrong, WANG Yuan, ZHANG Xing
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2022, 58 (5): 808-812.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2022.082
Abstract491)   HTML    PDF(pc) (452KB)(359)       Save
In order to improve the performance of post training quantization model, a quantization preprocessing method based on outlier removal is proposed. This method is simple and easy to use. The outliers of weight and activation value are removed only through simple operations such as sorting and comparison, so that the quantization model loses only a small amount of information and improves the accuracy. The experimental results show that the performance can be significantly improved by preprocessing with this method before using different quantization methods.
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Mechanism from Absence of Meaning to Meaning in Life: Moderated Mediation of Satisfaction of Psychological Need
WANG Yu, CHEN Weiyi, GAN Yiqun
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2016, 52 (3): 581-586.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2016.031
Abstract1379)   HTML    PDF(pc) (446KB)(1466)       Save

This study aimed to explore the mediation effect of search for meaning between absence of meaning and meaning in life, and tested the role of satisfaction of psychological need in this process via two-wave data. The sample consisted of 156 university students. Participants reported absence of meaning, search for meaning and psychological need satisfaction at time 1 and reported meaning in life at time 2. Results indicated that search for meaning played a partial mediating role between absence of meaning and meaning in life, and psychological need satisfaction moderated relationship between meaning thinking and meaning in life. Under low-level of psychological need satisfaction, search for meaning was strongly associated with meaning in life. With increased satisfaction of psychological need, positive effect of search for meaning on meaning in life become insignificant.

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Relationship between Uncertainty Response and Future-oriented Coping: The Mediation of Anticipated Emotion
FENG Ying;GAN Yiqun;LIU Zhixiao;NIE Hanying;CHEN Weiyi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2015.025
Mandarin Speech Emotion Recognition Based on MFCCG-PCA
CHEN Weiliang,SUN Xiao
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract1399)      PDF(pc) (413KB)(536)       Save
To solve the problem that the dimension of the speech emotion characteristic value is big and it is difficult to train, a new speech emotion recognition model, MFCCG-PCA, is put forward by the combination of the MFCC model and the PCA model. Multiple sets of experiments show that the MFCCG-PCA model has larger performance improvement than general MFCC model in the aspect of speech emotion recognition.
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Community Structure of Birds at Yanyuan, Peking University
WEN Cheng,HAN Dong,LI Sheng,SHEN Xiaoli,CHEN Wei,WANG Hao,ZHU Xiaojian,XIAO Lingyun,LIU Meiqi,Lü Zhi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract1196)      PDF(pc) (1261KB)(766)       Save
From 2003 to 2012, 446 times of survey had been conducted on community structure of birds at Yanyuan, Peking University. 234 of them, on which 468 hours had been spent from 2010 to 2012, were weekly transact surveys, twice in spring and autumn while once in summer and winter. Up to 178 species, belonging to 102 genera of 37 families of 14 orders, had been recorded. Among them, there are 24 residents, 117 migrants, 24 summer visitors, 19 winter visitors and 1 vagrant. One of them is listed as the 1st class of China National Protected Wildlife, whilst 20 species as the 2nd class. 28 species of waterbirds were recorded. On different sub-regions of Yanyuan, the most species-poor one is Jingyuan, where only 28 species were recorded . The most species-rich one is Mingheyuan, where 109 species were recorded. The mosaic landscape of meandering swamps and mounds covered by semi-natural secondary forest in Mingheyuan and Jingchunyuan accommodates the richest bird community in Yanyuan. 73 species were restricted to these sites. The ratios of secondary forests and greenbelts in each sub-region are chief factors affecting the abundance of bird species.
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Late Quaternary Movement Characteristic of Jiali Fault in Tibetan Plateau
SONG Jian,TANG Fangtou,DENG Zhihui,XIAO Genru,CHEN Weitao
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract945)            Save
By field investigation and the comprehensive analysis of the GPS observation data, some new recognitions were obtained about the late quaternary movement characteristic of Jiali Fault. The Jiali Fault isn’t an overall dextrall strike-slip. Its movement features and rates are variable in different tectonic parts. Jiali Fault can be divided into three sections by Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS). The fault in west area of the EHS is the northwestern segment of Jiali Fault, the fault in Yigong-Tongmai area on the top of the EHS is the middle segment, and the fault in the southeast area of the EHS is the southeastern segment. The northwestern segment is right-lateral compressive movement, with a strike slip rate of 3.2?5.8 mm/a. The middle segment has weak dextral compressive movement, with a strike slip rate of 1.3?2.0 mm/a. The southeast segment is left-lateral compressive movement, with a strike slip rate of 3.7?4.0 mm/a.
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An On-board Embedded Driver Fatigue Warning System Based on Adaboost Method
CHENG Ruzhong,ZHAO Yong,DAI Yong,CHEN Wei,SUI Bo,WANG Lang,WANG Xin’an
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
The Spectral Transformation of CMC Surfaces in S3
ZANG Yingyun,CHEN Weihuan
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract640)            Save
It is studied that the CMC surfaces in the sphere space of dimension 3 by means of integrable system and its spectral transformation is given.
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Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Hemodynamics for Intracranial Lateral Aneurysms
WEN Gongbi,LI Junxiu,CHEN Wei
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract636)            Save
Hemodynamics of intracranial lateral aneurysms was simulated numerically. The blood was considered as Newtonian fluid and the elasticity of the wall was neglected. Three-dimension N-S equations were solved by using artificial compressibility algorithm. The influence of aneurysmal geometry shape and Reynolds number on hemodynamic factors, such as shear stress on the wall, pressure were calculated in the static and pulsatile conditions. The main results were that the greater depth of intracranial aneurysm, the greater distal shear stress is in which the aneurysm grow up and rupture for the intracranial aneurysms in the early stage in both static and pulsatile conditions; the pulsatile make the variety of distal shear stress with space and time more violent and easier rupture. The distal shear stress of aneurysm increases while the arterial diameter decrease and the velocity keep constant. It shows that the intracranial aneurysm is easier grow in small artery than that in the bigger blood tube. This result is consistent with physiology.
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The Geometry of the Differential Equations of the Fourth Order Under the Contact Transformations
CHEN Weihuan,LI Haizhong
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract773)            Save
It is studied that the geometry of the differential equations of the fourth order y(4)=f(x, y, y', y", y''') under contact transformations by E.Cartan's method of equivalence.
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Topological Coding and Chirality of Molecular Structures of D-and L-Alanines in Higher Dimensional Spaces
CHEN Weichang,WANG Wenqing
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract908)            Save
Topological properties of higher dimensional spaces are analyzed and a standard graphic method to express such spaces is deduced. An N-dimensional space posesses 2N vertices which can be arranged according to their Hamming distance values. Molecular structures of organic compounds can be embedded into the frame of a higher dimensional space, and a new topological coding system for the molecular structure of organic compounds is then derived. In this coding system, different superscripts are used to denote different kinds of nonhydrogen atoms. The connection pattern of the nonhydrogen atoms are encoded according to their positions and arrangements in the higher dimensional space. This topological coding system is simple, universal, unique and easy to use. Different kinds of stereoisomers and the chirality of the organic compounds can be distinguished in this coding system. The chirality of L-type and D-type amino acids and their relationship to the topological coding system is particularly analyzed.
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