Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

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The Multifunctional Approach toward Urban Bicycle Way Network:
A Case Study of Jiaojiang in Taizhou

HAN Xili   

  1. The Key Laboratory for Environmental and Urban Sciences,Shenzhen Graudate School, Peking University, Shenzhen 518055;The Graduate School of Landscape Architecture, Peking University, Beijing 100871;
  • Received:2007-06-13 Online:2008-07-20 Published:2008-07-20



  1. 北京大学深圳研究生院城市人居环境科学与技术重点实验室,深圳518055;北京大学景观设计学研究院,北京100871;

Abstract: Based on analysis of the different aims of bicycle trip and ecological service of bicycle way, the author classify urban bicycle way into four types: Traffic bicycle way; Recreational bicycle way; Urban heritage Connection bicycle way; Ecology educational bicycle way. Taking the urban bicycle way system in Jiaojiang of Taizhou city as an example, the author layouts and designs traffic bicycle ways mainly through adjusting present roads section and reusing the abandoned infrastructure corridors, to create a secure and healthy bicycle way. In order to create more continuous and interesting recreational bicycle ways in Jiaojiang, the author mainly locates this type of bicycle ways along river and the edge of hill inner city. Jiaojiang heritage connection bicycle way was planned along the traditional city streets, relic of city wall and ridge line along which gathered many temples. Ecology educational bicycle ways were planned along the higher biodiversity historical canal and natural river which connects hill and sea.

Key words: Bicycle way, Multifunction, Planning and design, Jiaojiang

摘要: 基于市民出行目的及生态服务功能分析,将城市自行车道划分为4种类型: 交通功能自行车道; 休闲运动功能自行车道; 连接城市遗产功能自行车道; 生态教育功能自行车道。以台州市椒江区为例,预先在城市尺度上构建了自行车道网络。交通功能自行车道结合城市功能分区进行规划,主要通过调整现状道路断面类型及利用城市废弃公用设施走廊空间来营造安全、健康的自行车交通环境;休闲运动功能自行车道主要沿河流廊道及自然山体边缘进行布局,旨在营造连续性高、趣味性强的通行环境;连接城市遗产功能自行车道主要沿老城区街道、城墙遗址及聚集寺庙的山脊线布局;生态教育功能自行车道则沿生物多样性高的城郊连接山-海的自然河流及历史堤塘布局。

关键词: 自行车道, 多目标, 规划设计, 椒江区

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