Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis ›› 2024, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (4): 585-596.DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2024.050

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A Muscle Force Calculation Method on Lower Limb during Human Walking Based on Muscle Synergy and Muscle Force Relationships

ZHANG Ling1, HUANG Yan1,2,3,†, WANG Qining4

  1. 1. School of Mechatronical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081 2. Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Intelligent Robotics and Systems, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081 3. Key Laboratory of Biomimetic Robots and Systems, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100081 4. Department of Advanced Manufacturing and Robotics, College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871
  • Received:2023-06-19 Revised:2023-09-22 Online:2024-07-20 Published:2024-07-20
  • Contact: HUANG Yan, E-mail: yanhuang(at)


张岭1,  黄岩1,2,3,†, 王启宁4

  1. 1. 北京理工大学机电学院, 北京 100081 2. 北京理工大学智能机器人与系统高精尖创新中心, 北京 100081 3. 仿生机器人与系统教育部重点实验室, 北京 100081 4. 北京大学工学院先进制造与机器人系, 北京 100871
  • 通讯作者: 黄岩, E-mail: yanhuang(at)
  • 基金资助:


In response to the issue of existing muscle force calculation methods lacking consideration for the muscle synergy and muscle force relationships during motions, a biomechanical calculation method based on the muscle force relationships and muscle synergy during walking is proposed. This method incorporates the muscle synergy and the relative force of muscles into inverse dynamics calculation based on the quadratic optimization. The proposed method is applied for the calculation of forces of major lower-extremity muscles of human walking. Muscle forces are obtained based on a musculoskeletal model, which effectively reflects the human motion mechanisms and muscle synergy during walking. This method provides significance for exploring the laws of human movement, biomechanical principles, and humanoid robot motion control.

Key words:


针对现有计算肌肉力的方法中缺乏对运动过程中肌肉协同机制和肌肉力相对关系考量的问题, 提出一种基于行走过程中肌肉力相对关系与肌肉协同的肌肉力计算方法。该方法在二次优化的基础上, 将人体行走过程中一段时间的肌肉力以及不同肌肉收缩力之间的关系纳入逆动力学计算中。在所建立的肌肉骨骼模型的基础上, 利用该方法得到行走过程中下肢主要肌肉的肌肉力, 计算结果可以有效地反映人体运动规律以及行走过程中的肌肉协同机制。该计算方法可为人体运动形成机制、运动康复与训练以及仿人机器控制等提供理论依据。
