Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis ›› 2018, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (6): 1339-1345.DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2018.079
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LIU Zhixiao, WU Rengang†
柳之啸, 吴任钢†
Based on previous finding that self-esteem predicts meaning in life, this study introduced locus of control and positive emotion as mediators, aiming to explore the predicting mechanism of self-esteem on meaning in life from cognitive and emotional perspective. Self-esteem, locus of control, positive emotion and meaning in life of all the participants were measured by Self-esteem Scale, Locus of Control of Behavior Scale, Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale, Meaning in Life Questionnaire before the experiment. Then expressive writing intervention was performed to manipulate the participants’ level of self-esteem. At last, all the participants finished the measurement of locus of control, positive emotion and meaning in life again. Repeated measure ANOVA was performed to test the effect of experimental manipulation of self-esteem on locus of control, positive emotion and meaning in life, and hierarchical multiple regression and Boostrap were utilized to test the mediating effect of locus of control and positive emotion on self-esteem and meaning in life. The result indicated that experimental manipulation of self-esteem could significantly affect locus of control, positive emotion and meaning in life. Furthermore, positive emotion and locus of control were mediators between self-esteem and meaning in life.
Key words: self-esteem, meaning in life, positive emotion, locus of control, mediating effect
基于自尊预测生命意义感的研究结果, 引入心理控制源和积极情绪两个变量作为中介变量, 分别从认知和情绪的角度探索自尊对生命意义感的预测机制。实验前采用自尊量表、心理控制源行为量表、情绪量表和生命意义感问卷分别测量被试的心理控制源、积极情绪以及生命意义感, 用表达性写作的方法, 分别启动被试的自尊水平, 最后再次测量被试的心理控制源、积极情绪和生命意义感, 用重复测量方差分析方法考察启动自尊对心理控制源、积极情绪和生命意义感的影响, 用分层回归和Bootstrap检验心理控制源和积极情绪对自尊和生命意义感的中介作用。结果表明, 启动自尊会显著影响被试的心理控制源、积极情绪和生命意义感, 心理控制源和积极情绪在自尊与生命意义感之间起中介作用。
关键词: 自尊, 生命意义感, 积极情绪, 心理控制源, 中介作用
CLC Number:
LIU Zhixiao, WU Rengang. Predicting Mechanism of Self-Esteem on Meaning in Life: Mediating Effect of Locus of Control and Positive Emotion[J]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2018, 54(6): 1339-1345.
柳之啸, 吴任钢. 自尊对生命意义感的预测机制——心理控制源和积极情绪的中介作用[J]. 北京大学学报自然科学版, 2018, 54(6): 1339-1345.
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