


  1. 1. 浙江工业大学生物与环境工程学院, 杭州310032 ; 2.北京大学生命科学学院, 北京100871;
  • 收稿日期:2009-02-11 出版日期:2009-11-20 发布日期:2009-11-20

Transportation of mRNAin Dendrites

CHEN Li1, TENG Junlin2   

  1. 1. College of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310032; 2. College of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871;
  • Received:2009-02-11 Online:2009-11-20 Published:2009-11-20

摘要: 将mRNA靶定到神经细胞树突中, 对区域化蛋白质合成和神经功能的发挥起重要作用。神经细胞mRNA存在于包含不同种类调控mRNA 定位、稳定和翻译组分的颗粒中。该颗粒由驱动蛋白1(kinesin 1) 沿微管运输。定向运输产生的mRNA不对称分布是突触可塑性、学习和记忆所必需的。

关键词: RNA运输, RNP颗粒, 细胞骨架, 细胞内运输, 驱动蛋白

Abstract: The targeting of mRNAs to neuronal dendrites plays an important role for neuronal local protein synthesis and function. Neuronal mRNAs in granules such as RNP containing diverse components of controlling mRNA localization, stability, and translation, are transported by kinesin 1 along microtubules. An asymmetric distribution of mRNAs caused by the transport is essential to synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory.

Key words: RNAtrafficking, RNPs, cytoskeleton, intracellular transport, kinesin
