


  • 收稿日期:2005-07-04 出版日期:2006-03-20 发布日期:2006-03-20

Calculational and Distributive Method of Urban Total Permitted Air Pollutant Emission

MA Xiaoming1, WANG Donghai2, YI Zhibin1, YIN Yanpeng2   

  • Received:2005-07-04 Online:2006-03-20 Published:2006-03-20

摘要: 大气污染物总量控制是控制城市大气环境污染主要管理手段。作者提出了一套适合我国城市大气污染物允许排放总量计算与分配的技术路线和模型。通过将区域划分为不同的功能区和管理小区,构造区域间大气污染物转移矩阵及利用线性规划模型来确定城市大气污染物允许排放当量及分布,并以此作为区域控制指标分配至污染源,充分体现环境功能区差异和容量分配的公平性。对济南市的应用表明,作者提出的技术路线和模型是合理可行的。

关键词: 大气污染, 总量控制, 允许排放总量, 排放当量

Abstract: Total air pollutant emission control planning is a major urban environmental management approach. A set of technical schemes have been developed, which are applicable to study the calculational and distributive method of the total quantity control for urban air pollutant emission in China. The permitted total emission equivalent quantity of urban air pollutants and its distribution in urban area, which can be used as regional air pollution control index and can be allocated to each major pollution source as its limit of emission quantity, can be worked out by using linear programming model based on regional grid air pollutants transfer matrix which considers the difference of functional regions and the justice of the permitted emission's distribution. The application of the technical paths and models in Jinan, indicates that it is reasonable and feasible.

Key words: air pollution, total quality control, total permitted emission quantity, emission equivalent
