


  • 收稿日期:2004-07-22 出版日期:2005-09-20 发布日期:2005-09-20

Hardware Adaptive Copyright Protection Mechanism for Digital Contents

YU Yinyan, TANG Zhi   

  • Received:2004-07-22 Online:2005-09-20 Published:2005-09-20

摘要: 将数字许可证与机器硬件配置标识信息绑定是数字版权保护技术普遍采用的方法。针对该方法存在的硬件适应性问题,通过将数字内容加密并将解密密钥分配给多个硬件设备绑定的方式,给出一种具有硬件适应性的数字内容版权保护机制。在保护数字内容版权的同时,在一定范围内自适应用户机器硬件环境的变更,平衡硬件设备变更和版权保护的需求。

关键词: 数字版权保护, 硬件适应性, 数字许可证, 密钥共享机制

Abstract: Binding digital license to a unique identification of hardware configuration of the rendering device is the most popular strategy adopted in current digital rights management. But the main drawback of this scheme is that the protected content cannot be rendered any more once the user replaces any part of the hardware. By encrypting the digital content, splitting the decryption key into multiple pieces and binding them each to different hardware components of the machine, the authors propose a hardware adaptive copyright protection mechanism for digital contents. With this scheme, a buyer can change the hardware configuration of his machine within a determinate range without influencing the use of the bought digital content. Meanwhile, copyright of the content is properly protected.

Key words: digital rights management, hardware adaptive mechanism, digital license, secret sharing scheme
