

邹鸿1, 肖佐1, 吴中祥2, 朱文明2   

  1. 1北京大学地球物理系,北京,100871,E-mail: zxiao@pku.edu.cn;2中国空间技术研究院五0一总体设计部,北京,100086
  • 收稿日期:2002-05-30 出版日期:2003-05-20 发布日期:2003-05-20

Energetic Particle Event Observed by a Polar Orbit Satellite at 780km

ZOU Hong1, XIAO Zuo1,WU Zhongxiang2, ZHU Wenming2   

  1. 1Department of Geophysics, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, E-mail: zxiao@pku.edu.cn;2Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, Beijing, 100086
  • Received:2002-05-30 Online:2003-05-20 Published:2003-05-20

摘要: 对搭载于我国第一颗地球资源卫星上的“星内高能粒子探测器”首批资料进行初步分析表明,在卫星780km轨道高度上所纪录到的所有高能粒子通量事件都只出现在3个地理区域,即两半球的高纬极光带和南大西洋地磁异常区。低能档电子在这3个区域都有出现,而高能档电子和质子在太阳宁静条件下,一般只出现在南大西洋异常区。从统计结果还可看出,南极光带附近的粒子通量大于北半球极光带,而在北极光带,与南大西洋异常区大体相同的经度附近,高能粒子的通量事件有一个明显的空隙区域。另一个观测事实是,0.5~2.0MeV能档的电子通量在极光区远大于2.0MeV以上能档的电子通量,而在南大西洋地磁异常区,两个通道的电子通量差别不大。与现有理论模型和国外大致相同轨道上的空间高能辐射环境直接观测资料对比还表明,卫星舱内的辐射与舱外的空间辐射环境是完全相关的,积累的有关资料不但是航天设计和环境应用研究所需的重要参量之一,也是空间物理基础研究特别是辐射带研究的重要数据。

关键词: 星内粒子探测器, 粒子通量增加事件, 极光带, 南大西洋异常区

Abstract: The first set of data collected by the energetic particle detectors on board of the ZY-1, a China Brasilia coordinated earth resource satellite, were introduced briefly in this paper. ZY-1 is a polar orbiting satellite at an altitude of 780km and launched on 14th October 1999. This is the first time that such measurement is carried out inside a satellite cabin. For the purpose of statistics, a consecutive set (around at least 3 to 5 times) of distinguishable records of electrons or protons was defined as a particle event. The preliminary analysis shows that almost all of the events recorded are located at polar and South Atlantic regions (SAA). In the northern polar region, at the same longitudes of SAA, there is a clear gap of occurrence of flux events. Proton events in general only occur in SAA region while electron events appear at both SAA and polar regions.Electron flux of 0.5~2.0MeV in polar regions is dominant over that of 2~15MeV,while at SAA, fluxes from the two channels are about the same. There is a close correlation between energetic particle radiation inside and outside the satellite.

Key words: particle detector, particle flux enhancement event, aurora belt, SAA
