
北冰洋Gakkel洋中脊科学考察的初步认识-- AMORE 2001 简介

高永军1,2,3,Jonathan E Snow3,穆治国1,孙艳荣1   

  1. 1北京大学地球与空间科学学院,北京,100871;2Geochemistry Institute of Goettingen University, D-37077, Goettingen, Germany; 3Max-Planck Institut flir Chemie, Abt. Geochemie Postfach 3060, D-55020 Mainz, Germany
  • 收稿日期:2002-01-06 出版日期:2002-07-20 发布日期:2002-07-20

The Pilot Study on Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge——Introduction of AMROE 2001

GAO Yongjun1, 2, 3,Jonathon E Snow3,MU Zhiguo1,SUN Yanrong1   

  1. 1School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking Univercity, Beijing, 100871; 2Geochemistry Institute of Goettingen University, D-37077, Goettingen, Germany; 3Max-Planck Institut flir Chemie, Abt. Geochemie Postfach 3060, D-55020 Mainz, Germany
  • Received:2002-01-06 Online:2002-07-20 Published:2002-07-20

摘要: AMORE2001首次成功地对地球上扩张速率最慢的Gakkel洋中脊进行了系统的地质和地球物理以及海冰等多学科的综合考察。对所取得资料的初步研究表明Gakkel洋中脊之下的地幔仅经受了较低程度的部分熔融,具有较低的温度。Gakkel洋中脊处的地壳性质和岩浆活动与扩张速率之间不存在任何直接的岩石学相关性,扩张而导致的岩石圈顶部的冷却并不是决定洋脊处地壳性质的最重要因素。地幔温度和断裂带的存在与否及其密度对地壳性质具有重要的影响意义。本次科考活动中还对在现代环境和古环境研究具有重要意义的该地区的海冰分布和环流特征以及深海沉积物特征进行了系统的采样研究。这些研究将对人类更好的理解地球上最重要的地质过程-海底扩张和壳幔相互作用以及全球环境变化起到关键的作用。

关键词: 洋中脊, AMORE2001

Abstract: AMORE 2001 has successfully investigated the Gakkel Ridge and Arctic ocean in vicinity of its geological and geophysical nature, as well as the nature of sea ice and biology in this area. The preliminary onboard petrology and bathymetry results show that the mantle beneath the Gakkel ridge with low temperature has only encountered very low degree partial melting during the spreading and there is no any direct relationship between the crust nature and the spreading rate along the Gakkel ridge in any simple petrologic way. Mantle temperature and fracture zone density also play a major role on the crust nature, besides spreading rate.

Key words: AMORE2001, Gakkel Ridge
