


  1. 北京大学技术物理系,北京,100871
  • 收稿日期:2001-03-22 出版日期:2002-05-20 发布日期:2002-05-20

Study for the Negative Parity Energy Spectrum of Ba and Xe Isotopes Nuclei with Effective Three-body Potential

LIU Yingtai   

  1. Department of Technical Physics, Beijing University, Beijing, 100871
  • Received:2001-03-22 Online:2002-05-20 Published:2002-05-20

摘要: s-d IBM1的O(6)极限下,引入d玻色子之间相互作用的等效三体势,考虑f玻色子产生的八极态,导出了负宇称态能谱解析表达式,并对过渡区118, 120Xe和124, 126, 128, 130Ba 6个偶偶核的负宇称带进行了能谱计算,得到了与实验能谱符合很好的结果,然后用Staggering指数定量分析了负宇称态能谱中的Staggering现象。

关键词: 等效三体势, 八极态, 能量Staggering

Abstract: Within the O(6) limit of s-d IBM1, the effective three-body potential between the interactions of d-bosons is introduced with the consideration of octupole states, which are produced by a f-boson plus (N-1) s-d. Then the analytic expressions of negative parity energy spectrum formula is obtained. Also the negative parity energy spectra of even-even nuclei 118, 120Xe and 124, 126, 128, 130Ba are calculated. The good fits with the experimental data are obtained, and Staggering phenomena is quantitatively analyzed with Staggering index formula in negative parity energy spectra.

Key words: effective three-body potential, octupole states, energy staggering
