

李忠权1, 潘懋1, 萧德铭2, 陈更生3, 路中侃3, 应丹琳3   

  1. 1北京大学地质系,北京,100871; 2大庆石油管理局,大庆,163453; 3四川石油管理局,成都,610051
  • 收稿日期:1999-11-24 出版日期:2001-01-20 发布日期:2001-01-20

Studies of Extension-compression Tectonic Dynamic Setting in Sichuan Basin

LI Zhongquan1, PAN Mao1, XIAO Deming2, CHEN Gengsheng3, LU Zhongkan3, YING Danlin3   

  1. 1Department of Geology, Peking University, Beijing, 100871; 2Daqing Petroleum Administration, Daqing, 163453; 3Sichuan Petroleum Administration, Chengdu, 610051
  • Received:1999-11-24 Online:2001-01-20 Published:2001-01-20

摘要: 从全球构造着眼,动态地从时间-空间四维阐述了拉张-挤压构造动力学环境的辩证关系,指出了不同构造动力学环境对应于不同的构造变形系统。结合四川盆地地质演化历程,从9个方面论证了四川盆地自其形成以来,构造动力学环境曾经历了早期拉张、中期过渡、晚期挤压的过程,相应地在对四川盆地进行构造分析时,要注意早期伸展构造、中期反转构造、晚期挤压构造的识别和综合研究。

关键词: 四川盆地, 拉张-挤压, 动力学环境, 伸展构造, 反转构造

Abstract: Viewing from the global tectonics, the authors dynamically described the dialectical relationships between extensions and compressions in time special 4-D, and pointed out the different tectonic deformation systems corresponding to different tectonic dynamical environments. Considering the geological evolution of Sichuan Basin, from nine aspects, the authors proved that the tectonic dynamical environments of Sichuan Basin, after its formation, has experienced the early extension, middle transition and late compression environments. Correspondingly, as the paper suggests, a considerable attention need to be paid to the comprehensive studies of the early extensional structures, middle inversion structures and the late compression structures of Sichuan Basin when analyzing its tectonics.

Key words: Sichuan Basin, extension compression, dynamical environment, extensional structures, inversion structures
