


  1. 区域光纤通信网和新型光通信系统国家重点实验室,北京大学电子学系, 北京,100871,Email: taozhenning@263.net
  • 收稿日期:1999-12-30 出版日期:2001-01-20 发布日期:2001-01-20

Transport Modeling of Optical Transport Network Nodes

TAO Zhenning,WU Deming,XU Anshi   

  1. National Laboratory on Local Optic-Fiber Communication Networks & Advanced Optical Communication Systems, Department of Electronics, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, Email: taozhenning@263.net
  • Received:1999-12-30 Online:2001-01-20 Published:2001-01-20

摘要: 提出了光传送网节点传输模型的概念;讨论了传输模型应达到的要求和建立传输模型的意义。在线性时不变的假设下,提出利用频域传输矩阵来表示节点传输特性的方法;给出了OXC和OADM两类光传送网节点的统一的表示;根据目前通用的波分复用、强度调制直接检波系统的特点对复杂的频域传输矩阵进行了简化;并对通常所关心的节点主要性能指标与模型参数的关系、模型参数的测量和计算、模型的设计与计算机仿真、辅助设计软件开发的衔接问题进行了讨论。

关键词: 光传送网, 传输模型, 光交叉互连, 光分插复用

Abstract: The concept of OTN Node Transmission Model is introduced. The requirement of OTN Node Transmission Model is discussed. This model uses the frequency domain transmission matrix to express the OTN node transport characteristics. The simplified model based on WDM and IM-DD systems, the relationship between node characteristics and model parameters and measurement of model parameters are also discussed. At last a briefly discussion on how to develop the OTN simulation and CAD software based on our model is demonstrated.

Key words: optical transport network, transmission model, optical cross-connector, optical add/drop multiplexer
