


  1. 北京大学力学与工程科学系,北京,100871
  • 收稿日期:1998-06-30 出版日期:1999-09-20 发布日期:1999-09-20

Proper Efficiency Conditions for a Class of Multiobjective Fractional Optimal Control Problems

LIANG Zhian, YE Qingkai   

  1. Department of Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, 100871
  • Received:1998-06-30 Online:1999-09-20 Published:1999-09-20

摘要: 对于一类多目标分式最优控制问题,给出一个与一辅助多目标最优控制问题具有相同真有效解的结果,从而利用 Zalmai 相应的标量最优控制问题的结果,得到这类多目标分式最优控制问题的真有效性条件,并为建立其关于真有效解的对偶模型提供了可能性。

关键词: 多目标分式最优控制, 真有效解

Abstract: It is discussed that the proper efficiency conditions for a class of constrained multiobjective fractional optimal control problems proposed by Zalmai. One important relationship between proper efficient solutions of such a multiobjective fractional optimization problems and that of a corresponding multiobjective nonfractional optimization problem is explored. By making use of this relationship, necessary and/or sufficient proper efficient proper efficiency conditions are given out.

Key words: multiobjective fractional optimal control, properly efficient solution
