


  1. 北京大学城市与环境科学系,北京,100871
  • 收稿日期:1996-12-02 出版日期:1998-01-20 发布日期:1998-01-20

The Uplift Rate over the Past 124 ka along the North-east Coast of Shandong Peninsula

WANG Qing   

  1. Department of Geography, Peking University, Beijing, 100871
  • Received:1996-12-02 Online:1998-01-20 Published:1998-01-20

摘要: 在综合考虑新构造运动和全球海面变化与海岸带地区地貌发育关系后,根据现代地貌面、海岸线和相关沉积等所反映的海面变化与全球海面变化的对比,推算了山东半岛东北部沿海地区的新构造抬升速率。结果表明,12.4万年以来牟平-即墨断裂带两侧的构造抬升速率有明显差异,断裂带西侧沿岸为0.50mm/a,断裂带东侧沿岸仅为0.15mm/a。

关键词: 山东半岛东北部, 12.4万年以来海面变化, 新构造抬升

Abstract: After thinking of the relationship between the coast landscape evolution and both the tectonic movement and global sea-level change, the author calculated the uplift rate along the north-east coast of Shandong Peninsula on the basis of the correlation of the eustatic sea-level and relative sea-level responded by the local landscape, coast line and corresponding sediments. The results indicate that the uplift rates of the two sides of the Muping-Ji mo fault zone of the past 124 ka. are different. The uplift rate of the west side is about 0.50 mm/a, while the that of the east side is only 0.15 mm/a.

Key words: the north-east coast of Shandong Peninsula, global sea-level change, neotectonic uplift
