


  1. 北京大学地球物理系,北京,100871
  • 收稿日期:1994-09-27 出版日期:1996-01-20 发布日期:1996-01-20

A Radio Astronomical Method of Searching Near-earth Asteroids

LUO Xianhan, ZHANG Jian, WANG Shujuan   

  1. Department of Geophysics, Peking University, Beijing, 100871
  • Received:1994-09-27 Online:1996-01-20 Published:1996-01-20

摘要: 随着SL-9彗星撞击木星这一罕见天象得到观测证实,搜索近地小行星以及与之相当的彗星的任务日益受到重视。本文首先从冷暗天体的辐射趋向和望远镜的探测极限等方面指出了射电天文手段在完成此项任务中所具有的潜在优势。接着以65m多波段射电望远镜可能达到的技术指标为基础,论述了采用波束开关法检测强度约为1mly的近地小行星射电辐射的可行性,以及通过对有关联测资料的分析,给出了确定小行星的方向、距离、速度和大小等参量的基本步骤。最后,讨论了在搜索小行星中所使用的技术方法,应用到其他天文目标的可能性。

关键词: 小行星, 射电望远镜, 波束开发方法

Abstract: Along with the rare event that the Comet SL-9 impact Jupiter was confirmed by observations, the task of searching near-earth asteroids and relative comets is obtaining more and more attention. Therefore, first of all, in view of the radiation tendency of cool and dark celestial bodies and detection limit of telescope, we point out the potential advantage of radio astronomical method for the task. Then, on the basis of predicted technical index of the 65m multi-waveband radio telescope, we discuss the feasibility of using beam switching method to detect the radio radiation of near-earth asteroids which can be very weak down to about 1 mJy. Also through the analysis of relative data of united observations, we introduce the basic steps of determining the direction, distance,velocity and size of the asteroids. Finally, we discuss the probability of themethod as mentioned above to be used for other astronomical objects.

Key words: asteroids, radio telescope, beam switching method
