


  1. 北京大学地球物理学系,北京,100871
  • 收稿日期:1994-08-10 出版日期:1995-05-20 发布日期:1995-05-20

Some Progress of Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Exploration

ZHAO Bolin   

  1. Department of Geophysics, Peking University , Beijing, 100871
  • Received:1994-08-10 Online:1995-05-20 Published:1995-05-20

摘要: 本文综述大气物理与大气探测中主要方面的一些进展,即地基大气遥感、卫星气象、云物理、临近预报和全球气候变化。侧重于大气遥感在这些领域中的作用。并以北京大学的大气遥感研究工作,作为实例阐述。它包括微波辐射计及其环境遥感应用、大气云雨对微波通信影响的评估、光学和卫星遥感大气污染、卫星遥感大气和海洋、世界气候研究计划。

关键词: 大气遥感, 微波辐射计, 卫星气象, 世界气候研究计划

Abstract: In this paper, some progresses of atmospheric physics and atmospheric exploration have been described. It includes: ground-based atmospheric remote sensing, cloud physics, satellite meteorology, nowcasting and global climate change. It will be paid attention tothe atmospheric remote sensing taking the role in these areas. At last, some researches of atmospheric remote sensing of Peking University will be discussed as the examples. It includes: microwave radiometers and its application in remote sensing of environment, atmosphere cloud and rain effect on microwave communication, optical and satellite remote sensing of atmospheric pollution, research of satellite meteorology and World Climate Research Programm.

Key words: atmospheric remote sensing, microwave radiometers, satellite meteorology, World Climate Research Program
