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Emission Characteristics of Intermediate-Volatility Organic Compounds in Petrochemical Industrial Area
ZHANG Feng, LU Sihua, LI Congyi, SHAO Min, LI Yue, LÜ Daqi, LI Xin, LIU Ying
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2023, 59 (2): 281-289.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2022.123
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A typical petrochemical industrial area was selected as the research object, and particulate phase and gas phase samples of intermediate-volatility organic compounds (IVOCs) were collected in the air of the plant area in summer (July and August in 2021) to explore the pollution characteristics of IVOCs emission from petrochemical industrial sources and estimate their corresponding SOA (secondary organic aerosols) formation potential. The results show that, 1) the average concentration of IVOCs particle phase in typical petrochemical area is 4.22±1.54 μg/m3, and the average concentration of IVOCs gas phase is 108.87±78.93 μg/m3. The average concentration of IVOCs during the day is higher than that at night both in the gas phase and in the particle phase. 2) The n-alkanes in gas phase are concentrated from C12 to C22, while the n-alkanes in particle phase are concentrated from C22 to C35. The gas phase of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is concentrated in naphthalene and phenanthrene, and the particle phase is concentrated in fluorene. 3) The IVOCs in the petrochemical industrial zone are quantitatively disassembled. The concentration is mainly concentrated in the interval B18–B21. The mass concentration sum of these four zones accounts for 60.41% of the total mass of IVOCs.
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3D Forward Simulation of Marine Natural Gas Hydrate Production Monitoring with the Downhole Controlled-Source Electromagnetic System
LIU Ying, HE Tao, ZHANG Yi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2022, 58 (6): 1055-1068.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2022.090
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In order to know well the range and degree of gas hydrate dissociation during the large-scale exploitation of marine natural gas hydrate, the finite element software COMSOL is used to simulate the electromagnetic monitoring of the natural gas hydrate exploitation through the downhole controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) method. By constructing the 3D formation model containing the high-resistivity hydrate reservoir layer, the comparison between the downhole vertical source and the conventional towed horizontal source indicates that the former has advantages on the electric field responses for small source-receiver offsets required for monitoring. Then, the influence of vertical source monitoring system parameters, such as metal casing, vertical source depth, emission frequency, observation errors and noises, on the seafloor electric field responses are analyzed. The simulation results show that the metal casing, vertical source depth and emission frequency have significant influences on the seafloor electric field responses, and especially for the existence of metal casing, the vertical source should be placed below the hydrate reservoir and the low frequency such as 1 Hz of emission electrical current should be considered. The observation errors and noises of the monitoring system would not significantly affect the performance of the monitoring system with metal casing under the condition of small offsets. When the production range of the hydrate reservoir increases, the downhole vertical source monitoring system ensures that seafloor receivers can detect the electric field changes caused by hydrate exploitation and effectively identify the lateral boundary of production area. Hence, it is feasible to use the downhole CSEM method to monitor the dynamic reservoir process during marine hydrate exploitation. 
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Chinese Calligraphy Alignment Based on 3D Point Set Registration
LIU Yingbin, SUN Yannan, XUN Endong
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2016, 52 (1): 81-88.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2016.016
Abstract1135)   HTML    PDF(pc) (926KB)(1051)       Save

This paper presents an innovative method to align two glyph contours with three steps. First, 2D Bézier curve control points of glyph contours of each character are expanded into 3D space. Second, a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is constructed using this 3D point set. Finally, the authors establish alignment by minimizing the Euclidean Distance (L2) between two GMMs and then apply transformation accordingly. Expansion to 3D space helps make use of inherent constraints of Chinese calligraphy beyond 2D coordinates. The advantage of using Gaussian Mixture Model is to maintain both the overall shape property and the local writing features during the alignment process. Experiments results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of proposed method and it performs well for both single stroke and whole character.

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Concession of Tourism Operation in Nature Reserves with the Domination of Local Government: A Case Study
LIU Yining,LI Wenjun
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract1025)            Save
Based on the case observation, this paper indentifies the important stakeholders in T Nature Reserve, and analyzes their behaviors. The authors argue that, although the management agency has the legal right to supervise and manage the tourism operating firm, it is hard to supervise and manage the tourism operating effectively to prevent the acts damaging environment because of the interference of local government. The reason why the management agency is obedient to the local government's interference is that local government is one of the most important financial sources of T Nature Reserve management agency and has the right to appoint personnel of T Nature Reserve management agency, and the reason why local governments interfere with the affairs of the management agency is that local officials will be devoted to economic development at local level in China now.
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Doubly Selective Channel Estimation Based on Fractional Basis Expansion Model
LIU Yingnan,JIANG Wei,YAO Chunguang,WANG Wujun,LIANG Qinglin
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract648)            Save
By analyzing the relationship between basis expansion model (BEM) and Doppler spectrum, the authors propose a scheme based on fractional BEM for the estimation of doubly selective channel parameters. When the receiver detects the maximum frequency of Doppler-spread, the frequency of BEM is modified by a factor of 1/K, and improved mean-square error of channel can be obtained.
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Classification and Framework Features of Tunnel Structure Minerals
LIU Yingxin,QIN Shan,LIU Rui,LU Anhuai
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract835)            Save
The definition and classification of tunnel structure minerals are prop osed. The framework characteristics for typical tunnel structure minerals are described in detail, such as natrolite, laumontite, phillipsite, chabazite, mordenite, palygorskite, sepiolite, beryl, hemimorphite, pyrolusite, ramsdellite, cryptomelane, psilomelane, todorokite, manganite, cacoxenite, beryllonite and patite, which belong to silicate, manganese oxide and hydroxide minerals and phosphate respectively. The effects of surface absorption, tunnel structure and catalytic reaction, which were applied in the field of harnessing contamination and remedying environment, are also discussed. The tunnel minerals will play important roles in the future development of the exploitation of environmental properties, chemical and microbial modifications as well as synthetic tunnel structure minerals.
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A Review of the Exploration of Gas Hydrate
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract765)            Save
Gas hydrate is a kind of potential huge energy. It is important to develop gas hydrate exploration and get its distribution and reservoir volume, which plays a critical role to develop Chinese gas hydrate industry. The international gas hydrate investigation and research have a tendency of multi-subject and multi-technology, but the exploration of gas hydrate in China is still at the stage of beginning. The international geological, geophysical and geochemical gas hydrate exploration technology were reviewed,especially gas hydrate research situation in China.
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Study for the Electric Field in Crystal Planar Channeling with Thomas-Fermi Methods
LIU Yingtai
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract699)            Save
According to the transnational periodically symmetry of crystal plane in its space, author introduce the Thomas-Fermi equation in crystal planar channeling electric fields; then calculate the electric fields of single crystal Si(110) and its critical angle. The good fits with the experimental data are obtained. The results show that the Thomas-Fermi equation in crystal planar channeling may describe the characters of planar channeling.
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Study for the Negative Parity Energy Spectrum of Ba and Xe Isotopes Nuclei with Effective Three-body Potential
LIU Yingtai
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract778)            Save
Within the O(6) limit of s-d IBM1, the effective three-body potential between the interactions of d-bosons is introduced with the consideration of octupole states, which are produced by a f-boson plus (N-1) s-d. Then the analytic expressions of negative parity energy spectrum formula is obtained. Also the negative parity energy spectra of even-even nuclei 118, 120Xe and 124, 126, 128, 130Ba are calculated. The good fits with the experimental data are obtained, and Staggering phenomena is quantitatively analyzed with Staggering index formula in negative parity energy spectra.
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Study on the Energy Spectra of sdg Odd-A Nuclei 115~123I
with PDHF Method
LIU Yingtai,LIAO Jizhi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract563)            Save
The approximate angular-momentum-projected Hartree-Fock(PDHF) method is used to study some odd-A nuclei in the 3s-2d-1g shell: 115~123I. Their ground bands and low excited bands are calculated. The calculated results agree well with the experimental spectrum.
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The Effect of Adsorption of Surfactants on Stability of Suspension of Alumina Powders
WANG Shun,ZHAO Zhenguo,LIU Yingqing,QIAN Cheng
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract990)            Save
The adsorption of sodium dodecyl sulfonate (SDBS), tetradecyl pyridinechloride (TPC) and Triton X-100 (TX-100) onto the alumina powders at various pH was studied. The ξ-potential of the particles and the stability of the suspension in water were determined. The main results are as follows. (1) At suitable pH, the adsorption isotherms are LS type for SDBS and TPC. At higher concentration of surfactants, association on the surface occurs to form a close-packed monolayer. The orientation of hydrophilic group to water phase was inferred from values of adsorption limit, surface area and molecular dimensions. The sign of ξ-potential of alumina powder was opposite to the original one in lower concentration of SDBS or TPC, and the values of ξ-potential increased with increasing concentration. The stability of suspension of alumina powders is a function of SDBS or TPC concentration and displays an V-shaped curve with increasing concentration at lower concentration. (2) At pH 6.9 and higher concentration, monolayer on the surface of alumina was formed by adsorption of TX-100. In the monolayer the hydrophilic EO group interact with the hydroxy of surface and the hydrophilic group is in water phase. Then the stability of the suspension of alumina powders is lower than that of the suspension at lower concentration of TX-100.
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Retrieval of Atmospheric Precipitable Water with GMS-5 Infrared Measurements
LI Wanbiao,LIU Yinghui,ZHU Yuanjing,ZHAO Bolin
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
Abstract811)            Save
The split window statistical method for retrieval of atmospheric precipitable water is developed by GMS-5 infrared brightness temperatures measurements. The preliminary test shows that the RMS error of the method is The precision is superior to that of GOES split window retrieval method. And it not only comes up to but also is superior to that of AVHRR split window estimations. The comparison of the monthly mean precipitable water distribution shows that the retrieval U field is in good agreement with that of the conventional radiosonde observation.
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