Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis
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HUANG Yunhui1 Lv Aiqin2 WANG Lei1 SHI Junqi1
Abstract: The Chinese version of the Emotional Intelligence Scale was revised. The questionnaire was administrated to two samples with a total of 920 undergraduates. Item analysis show that all of the 33 items meet psychometric criteria. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis indicates that the Chinese version of Emotional Intelligence Scale is composed of four dimensions(CMIN/DF=2.19,CFI=0.90,GFI=0.93,AGFI=0.90,RMSEA=0.05).It is different from the one-factor structure and the four factor structure, which are reported in previous studies using samples in the West. The internal consistency reliability of the scale was 0.85. Further analysis reveals that there are no gender differences. The convergent validity and criterion-related validity are satisfactory. The revised Chinese version of the Emotional Intelligence Scale has good psychometric quality and can be applied in related psychological research areas.
Key words: emotional intelligence, psychometric studies, reliability, validation
摘要: 对情绪智力量表(EIS)中文版进行效度检验。920名本科生完成情绪智力量表的问卷调查。项目分析显示,33个题目在项目-总分相关及项目鉴别度上均符合测量学要求。对先前研究者提出的量表的单因素和四因素结构进行验证性因素分析,拟合结果不满意。重新进行探索性因素分析,获得4种可能的因子结构,验证性因素分析表明四维的量表结构拟合最佳(CMIN/DF=2.19,CFI=0.90,GFI=0.93,AGFI=0.90,RMSEA=0.05)。最终量表的内部一致性信度(α系数)达到0.85。进一步检验表明大学生样本不存在EIS的性别差异。量表与同时施测的量表的相关关系符合理论预期,具有较好的会聚效度和效标关联效度。研究修订的情绪量表具有较好的信度、效度,可以满足今后国内相关研究和应用的需要。
关键词: 情绪智力, 心理测量学研究, 信度, 效度
CLC Number:
HUANG Yunhui,Lv Aiqin,WANG Lei,SHI Junqi. Validation of the Emotional Intelligence Scale[J]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis.
黄韫慧,吕爱芹,王垒,施俊琦. 大学生情绪智力量表的效度检验[J]. 北京大学学报(自然科学版).
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