北京大学学报自然科学版 ›› 2023, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (4): 609-616.DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2022.111

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于向前1, 李嘉巍2,3, 肖池阶4, 黄聪2,3, 刘斯5, 王劲东6, 李云鹏6, 曲亚楠7, 王永福1, 陈鸿飞1, 邹鸿1, 施伟红1, 宗秋刚1,†, 陈晓飞8, 张效信2,3,†, 宗位国2,3, 王劲松2,3

  1. 1. 北京大学地球与空间科学学院, 北京 100871 2. 中国气象局空间天气重点开放实验室/国家卫星气象中心(国家空间天气监测预警中心), 北京 100081 3. 许健民气象卫星创新中心, 北京 100081 4. 北京大学物理学院, 北京 100871 5. 长沙理工大学物理与电子科学学院, 长沙 410114 6. 中国科学院国家空间科学中心, 北京 100190 7. 山东航天电子研究所, 烟台 264003 8. 上海卫星工程研究所, 上海 201108
  • 收稿日期:2022-06-20 修回日期:2022-09-21 出版日期:2023-07-20 发布日期:2023-07-20
  • 通讯作者: 宗秋刚, E-mail: qgzong(at)pku.edu.cn, 张效信, E-mail: xxzhang(at)cma.gov.cn
  • 基金资助:

Vector Magnetometer for Space Applications Based on a Magnetoresistance

YU Xiangqian1, LI Jiawei2,3, XIAO Chijie4, HUANG Cong2,3, LIU Si5, WANG Jindong6, LI Yunpeng6, QU Yanan7, WANG Yongfu1, CHEN Hongfei1, ZOU Hong1, SHI Weihong1, ZONG Qiugang1,†, CHEN Xiaofei8, ZHANG Xiaoxin2,3,†, ZONG Weiguo2,3, WANG Jinsong2,3

  1. 1. School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871 2. Key Laboratory of Space Weather, National Satellite Meteorological Center (National Center for Space Weather), China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081 3. Innovation Center for FengYun Meteorological Satellite (FYSIC), Beijing 100081 4. School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871 5. School of Physics and Electronic Science, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410114 6. Center for Space Science and Applied Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 7. Institute of Shandong Aerospace Technology, Yantai 264003 8. Shanghai Institute of Satellite Engineering (SISE), Shanghai 201108
  • Received:2022-06-20 Revised:2022-09-21 Online:2023-07-20 Published:2023-07-20
  • Contact: ZONG Qiugang, E-mail: qgzong(at)pku.edu.cn, ZHANG Xiaoxin, E-mail: xxzhang(at)cma.gov.cn


提出一种用于空间科学研究的基于低资源消耗各项异性磁阻传感器的矢量磁强计。该矢量磁强计的探测范围为±65000 nT, –3 dB 带宽为DC~10 Hz的磁场波, 噪声功率谱密度≤0.2 nT/Hz1/2@1 Hz, 非线性误差≤3.6%oo, 非正交性误差≤1.2%oo。该磁强计搭载运行于太阳同步轨道的风云三号气象卫星(FY-3E), 在轨初步探测结果表明, 该磁强计具备探测空间磁场扰动(例如极光椭圆区的场向电流(20~60 nT))的能力。

关键词: 低资源消耗磁阻传感器, 矢量磁强计, 空间科学应用


A low-resource anisotropic magnetoresistance-based vector magnetometer for space science applications is presented. The proposed vector magnetometer can detect magnetic fields in a range of ±65000 nT, has a –3 dB bandwidth of DC to 10 Hz, and a noise power spectral density of ≤0.2 nT/Hz1/2@1 Hz. Furthermore, the device has a non-linearity error of ≤3.6%oo over the entire range and non-orthogonality error of ≤1.2%oo. The vector magnetometer was equip on a Chinese Feng-Yun meteorological satellite (FY-3E) whose orbit was a sun synchronous orbit. The first in-flight science results show that the sensor can detect transient physical signals with amplitudes of 20–60 nT.

Key words: low-resource magnetoresistance sensor, vector magnetometer, space science applications