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Public’s Protective Response to Urban Air Pollution
XIA Tian, XU Jianhua
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2018, 54 (4): 801-806.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2017.190
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From a social-psychological perspective, this paper studies people’s protective behavior in response to health risks posed by air pollution. A questionnaire survey was conducted in Haidian, Chaoyang, Xicheng and Fengtai Districts in Beijing, and a sample of 993 respondents based on quota sampling techniques was collected. Based on Health Belief Model, ordinary least square regression was used for examining determinants of protective behaviors. The key finding is that the predictors of the adaptation behavior are consistent with the basic constructs for explaining health protective behavior in the health domain, which are perceived level of risk, perceived barriers, and perceived effectiveness. The result supports the thought of borrowing knowledge from the health domain to the environmental domain in designing policy instruments to cope with environmental risks.

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Study on the Reactions of Mononuclear Copper Complexes Formed by Insertion of CS2 into Cu-S Bonds with Various Solvents Ⅲ
Formation and Crystal Structure of [CuI(PPh3)(Py)]2 and [CH2(C5H5
TANG Kaluo,XIA Tianbing,JIN Xianglin,TANG Youqi
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
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Mononuclear copper complexes with structures of (Ph3P)2Cu(S2CSR), formed by insertion of CS2 into Cu-S bonds, can react with a various solvents undergoing some nucleophilic reactions. The two title compounds(IV, V)were obtained from the reaction of starting material(R=But, C6H2Pri3-2, 4, 6) with CH2I2-acetone mixed-solvent in the presence of pyridine and then self-assemblyin the same solution. Crystal data for compound IV: space group C2/c, a=26.112(6), b=14.499(3), c=11.357(2)Å, β=95.18(2)Å, V=4282(15)Å3, Dc=1.650g/cm3, Z=4, R=0.0334 for 2182 independent reflections. Crystal data for compound V: space group P21/n, a=11.389(4), b=11.698(5), c=13.227(7)Å, β=114.99(4)°, V=1597(13)Å3, Dc=2.563g/cm3, Z=4, R=0.0627 for 1891 independent reflection.
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