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Hybrid Neural Network for Recognition of the “de” Structure with Semantic Ellipsis
SHI Bingqing, DAI Rubing, QU Weiguang, GU Yanhui, ZHOU Junsheng, LI Bin, XU Ge, SHI Shengwang
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2019, 55 (1): 75-83.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2018.058
Abstract809)   HTML    PDF(pc) (893KB)(215)       Save

To slove the classification of the “de” structure containing the usage of semantic ellipsis, a hybrid neural network is built. Firstly, the network uses a bidirectional LSTM (long short-term memory) neural network to learn more syntactic and semantic information of the “de” structure. Then, the network employs a Max-pooling
layer or GRU (gated recurrent unit) based multiple attention layers to capture features of ellipsis of the “de” structure by which the network can recognize the “de” structure containing the usage of semantic ellipsis. Experiments on CTB8.0 corpus show that the proposed approach can achieve accurate results efficiently, the F1 value is 96.67%.

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