Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis ›› 2023, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (6): 1025-1034.DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2023.055

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Psychometric Validation of the Revised Chinese Digital Stress Scale in College Students

LAO Chao Kei, SU Jiabao, WEI Shijuan, YU Xiaoyan, ZHOU Guangyu   

  1. Beijing Key Laboratory of Behavior and Mental Health, School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871
  • Received:2022-11-01 Revised:2023-02-27 Online:2023-11-20 Published:2023-11-20
  • Contact: ZHOU Guangyu, E-mail: gyzhou(at)


刘秋琪, 苏嘉宝, 魏世娟, 喻晓妍, 周广玉   

  1. 行为与心理健康北京市重点实验室, 北京大学心理与认知科学学院, 北京 100871
  • 通讯作者: 周广玉, E-mail: gyzhou(at)
  • 基金资助:


This article aims to translate and revise the Digital Stress Scale (DSS) developed by Hall et al. (2021) and validate the revised Chinese DSS’s reliability and validity among Chinese college students. Structured interviews regarding social media use and digital stress were conducted with 15 Chinese college students in sample 1. Four other samples of Chinese college students (n=87, n=100, n=300, n=239) were recruited online by convenience sampling. Item analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, construct validity, criterion-related validity and reliability analysis were conducted. Depression-Anxiety-Stress scale, life satisfaction, UCLA loneliness scale, perceived social support and Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale were used to assess criterion-related validity. Test-retest validity was assessed among 156 college students in sample five two weeks after baseline. The revised Chinese Digital Stress Scale (RC-DSS) consists of 31 items, including six dimensions (availability stress, approval anxiety, social comparison, fear of missing out, connection overload and online vigilance). Discrimination analysis and item analysis showed good discriminability. The six-dimension structure of the scale was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis (χ2/df=2.82, GFI=0.80, NFI=0.93, TLI=0.95, CFI=0.96, RMSEA=0.08). Digital stress was significantly and moderately associated with social media addiction, stress, depression, anxiety and loneliness (rs=0.41–0.61, ps<0.01), and was negatively associated with social support and life satisfaction (r = −0.24, p<0.01; r = −0.15, p<0.05). The Cronbach’s alpha of the scale was 0.94 and its two-week test-retest reliability was 0.73 (p<0.01). The RC-DSS is a reliable and valid instrument to assess digital stress among Chinese college students.

Key words: digital stress, social media, mental health


对Hall等的数字压力量表(Digital Stress Scale, DSS)进行本土化修订, 并检验修订版在国内大学生中的信效度。在样本1 (样本量 n=15)中访谈数字压力, 在4个方便抽样大学生样本中(样本2, 3, 4和5的n分别为87, 100, 300和239)对数字压力量表进行项目分析、验证性因素分析、结构效度、效标关联效度及信度分析。选取抑郁–焦虑–压力自评量表、生活满意度、UCLA孤独感量表、领悟社会支持和Bergen社交媒体成瘾量表为效标。两周后, 对样本5中156名大学生进行重测。修订中文版DSS (Revised Chinese Digital Stress Scale, RC-DSS)中31个条目, 包括可联系性压力、认可焦虑、社会比较、错失焦虑、信息过载和在线警戒性6个因子。项目鉴别度和题总分析显示条目表现良好, 验证性因素分析显示六因子模型拟合程度良好(χ2/df =2.82, GFI=0.80, NFI=0.93, TLI=0.95, CFI=0.96, RMSEA=0.08)。数字压力与社交媒体成瘾、压力、抑郁、焦虑和孤独感显著正相关(r为0.41~0.61, p都小于 0.01), 与社会支持和生活满意度显著负相关(r = −0.24, p<0.01; r = −0.15, p<0.05)。量表内部一致性信度为0.94, 重测信度为 0.73 (p<0.01)。RC-DSS 具良好的信效度, 适用于测量国内大学生的数字压力。

关键词: 数字压力, 社交媒体, 心理健康