Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis ›› 2018, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (5): 1123-1132.DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2018.049

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Harmonious Personality, Social Support, Self-Control and Work-Family Conflict: Comparison of Three Models Based on Occupational Groups

CHEN Yidi, GAN Yiqun   

  1. Department of Psychology, Peking University, Beijing 100871
  • Received:2017-09-30 Revised:2018-05-02 Online:2018-09-20 Published:2018-09-20
  • Contact: GAN Yiqun, E-mail: ygan(at)


陈一笛, 甘怡群   

  1. 北京大学心理与认知科学学院, 北京 100871
  • 通讯作者: 甘怡群, E-mail: ygan(at)
  • 基金资助:


In order to examine the relationship among harmony, social support, self-control, and work-family conflict, three models were proposed on the basis of relevant theories: simple mediation model, complex mediation model with self-control as the mediating variable, and complex mediation model with social support and selfcontrol as mediation variables. The simple mediation model refers to the harmonious personality, social support indirectly predict the work-family conflict in parallel through self-control; complex mediation model with selfcontrol as mediation variable refers to harmony personality and social support predict work-family conflict through self-control; complex mediation model with social support and self-control as mediation variables refers to harmony personality predict work-family conflict through social support and self-control. The social support scale, self-control scale (SCS), impulsive scale (BIS), work-family conflict were administered to 200 employees from medical industry, financial industry and sales industry in Beijing. Model comparison of the three models using Structural Equation Modeling indicated that complex mediation model with self-control as mediation variable fit best to the data. Harmony personality acted as the predictive variable, self-control as the mediator, and work-family conflict as the outcome variable. In the complex mediation model, self-control was estimated as -0.043, with 95% confidence interval of mediation [-0.071, -0.022]. Self-control mediated the relationship of harmony personality, social support and work-family conflict, the compound mediation model that takes self-control as the mediating variable fits best.

Key words: harmony, social support, self-control, work-family conflict, model comparison


为了考察和谐人格、社会支持、工作–家庭冲突以及自我控制的关系, 基于相关理论, 提出3种模型(简单中介模型、以自我控制为中介变量的复合中介模型以及以社会支持与自我控制为中介变量的复合中介模型), 并比较3种模型对数据的拟合程度。简单中介模型指和谐人格、社会支持通过自我控制平行作用于工作–家庭冲突, 以自我控制为变量的复合中介模型指和谐人格与社会支持分别作用于工作–家庭冲突,以社会支持和自我控制为中介变量的复合中介模型指和谐人格通过社会支持、自我控制作用工作家庭冲突。以北京市医疗行业、金融行业、销售行业公司的200名员工为研究对象, 采用社会支持量表、自我控制量表(SCS)、冲动性量表(BIS)和工作–家庭冲突量表进行研究。结构方程模型的结果表明, 以和谐人格和社会支持为预测变量、自我控制为中介变量、工作–家庭冲突为结果变量建立的复合中介模型拟合结果最好。自我控制在和谐人格、社会支持对工作–家庭冲突的关系中起中介作用, 中介变量的估计值为-0.043, 95%置信区间为[-0.071, -0.022]。自我控制可以中介和谐人格、社会支持对工作–家庭冲突的影响, 以自我控制为中介变量的复合中介模型拟合结果最好。

关键词: 和谐人格, 社会支持, 自我控制, 工作–家庭冲突, 模型比较

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