Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

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Evaluation of the Ahe Sandstone Tectonic Fractures in the Yinan-Tuzi Area, Kuqa Depression

JU Wei1,2,3, HOU Guiting1,2, HUANG Shaoying3, REN Kangxu3,4   

  1. 1. The Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution MOE, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871; 2. Institute of Oil and Gas Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871; 3. PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Beijing 100083; 4. Research Institute of Exploration and Development, Tarim Oil Field Company, PetroChina, Korla 841000;
  • Received:2013-05-22 Online:2014-09-20 Published:2014-09-20



  1. 1. 造山带与地壳演化教育部重点实验室, 北京大学地球与空间科学学院, 北京100871; 2. 北京大学石油与天然气研究中心, 北京 100871; 3. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院, 北京 100083; 4. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司塔里木油田分公司勘探开发研究院, 库尔勒 841000;

Abstract: By the use of well logging data, the tectonic fracture porosity was calculated, the influence of tectonic fractures to Young’s modulus was quantitatively described with the theory that the development of tectonic fractures would decrease the value of Young’s modulus, and the “Fracture Evaluation Indicator ( f )” was first proposed to evaluate the levels of tectonic fracture development. The development evaluation of Ahe low porosity and low permeability sandstone fractures was carried out with the fracture evaluation indicator, and the evaluating results showed that the Well Yinan-2 areas and the glutenite with mudstone segment of Ahe formation are the most tectonic fracture developed places in the horizontal and vertical plane of Yinan-Tuzi areas respectively.

Key words: tectonic fractures, fracture evaluation indicator, low porosity and low permeability sandstone, Yinan-Tuzi area, Ahe formation

摘要: 以测井资料为基础, 计算构造裂缝孔隙度; 然后根据构造裂缝发育会导致岩石强度降低的基本理论, 定量描述岩石杨氏模量的变化对构造裂缝发育情况的影响, 提出基于构造裂缝孔隙度和岩石杨氏模量两个参数所构建的“裂缝评价指标( f )”, 并划分构造裂缝发育的级别, 对库车坳陷依南-吐孜地区下侏罗统阿合组低孔低渗砂岩构造裂缝的发育程度进行评价。结果表明: 在平面上, 依南-吐孜地区下侏罗统阿合组砂岩构造裂缝在依南2井地区构造裂缝级别相对较高, 构造裂缝较为发育; 在垂向上, 阿合组上部砂砾岩夹泥岩段构造裂缝的发育级别相对较高, 构造裂缝较为发育。

关键词: 构造裂缝, 裂缝评价指标, 低孔低渗砂岩, 依南-吐孜地区, 阿合组

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