Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

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A Method for Modeling and Realizing SelfAdaptive Software Architecture

FENG Yaodong , HUANG Gang,MEI Hong   

  1. School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871;
  • Received:2007-03-28 Online:2008-01-20 Published:2008-01-20



  1. 北京大学信息科学技术学院,北京100871;

Abstract: The authors present an architecture-based approach to self-adaptive systems, called self-adaptive software architecture (SASA). To guarantee the general applicability, the authors synthesize a set of popular and/or sophisticated methods in architecture based software engineering, including the quality related architecture analysis methods for identifying why and when to change, the quality driven architecture design methods for deciding what to change, the architectural description language with dynamisms for recording the above knowledge, and the runtime software architecture for executing the designed adaptations. The approach is demonstrated on Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE).

Key words: software architecture, self-adaptive software, quality attribute scenario, architecture description language, reflective middleware

摘要: 综合软件体系结构相关领域的研究成果,为实现软件系统的自适应,提出了一种基于软件体系结构的方法,即自适应软件体系结构方法(SASA)。该方法利用基于质量属性场景的软件体系结构分析方法来获得适应性变化的原因和时机,通过质量属性驱动的软件体系结构设计方法决定适应性变化的内容,使用支持变化性描述的软件体系结构描述语言记录上述信息,借助于支持运行时刻软件体系结构的中间件在运行时刻实施指定的适应性变化,以达到面向质量属性的软件自适应目标。该方法通过J2EE平台的一个应用进行了实例研究。

关键词: 软件体系结构, 自适应软件, 质量属性场景, 体系结构描述语言, 反射式中间件

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