Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

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Statistical Relation Research between Cloud Liquid Water Content and Cloud Optical Thickness from Multiple Observations

LIU Xiaochun , MAO Jietai   

  1. Department of Atmosphere, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871; E-mail:
  • Received:2007-01-09 Online:2008-01-20 Published:2008-01-20



  1. 北京大学物理学院大气科学系,北京100871;

Abstract: Comparisons of the integrated liquid water content from a ground-based microwave radiometer and PMS observations with the Cloud Optical Thickness (COT) of EOS/MODIS cloud products are carried out, respectively. Two equations are obtained for describing the relationship between cloud liquid water content and COT. Results show that the two slopes of fits are very close, and the former equation is better than the latter.The equation is applied to calculate cloud liquid water content at given time, and the results are compared with Water Path of MODIS. It shows that they have great agreement in layers under stratus cloud.

Key words: MODIS, COT, ground-based microwave radiometer, liquid water content

摘要: 利用地基双波段微波辐射计积分液水含量资料、由飞机观测资料计算所得的积分液水含量与EOS(earth observing system)/MODIS(moderate-resolution imaging spectro-radiometer)云产品的云光学厚度分别进行了相应计算,得到了云光学厚度与液水含量的两关系式。结果发现两组数据的拟合线斜率十分接近,前者关系式比后者更为合理。应用此关系式推算了某时刻的云中液水含量分布,并用于验证MODIS反演的液水路径,发现在层云覆盖下二者有很好的一致性。

关键词: MODIS, 云光学厚度, 地基微波辐射计, 液水含量

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