Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

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Phenomenological Theory of Interdiffusion Growth of Solid Phase

CHEN Yongchong1, 2, QI Lu1, ZHANG Yonggang3, CHEN Changqi3   

  • Received:2005-06-13 Online:2006-03-20 Published:2006-03-20



Abstract: Recently the phenomena of diffusion-induced stresses and strains have been highlighted but the systematic theoretical analysis is still scarce. Traditional theory of chemical diffusion in solid states can not describe the relation of diffusion fluxes and diffusion-induced stresses because the research subject of the traditional theory is the diffusing atom or atomic flux, not the volume unit in the interdiffusion field. For this reason, the concept "flow point" in the interdiffusion field is proposed and the methods of fluid mechanics are applied to construct the phenomenological theory for describing the interdiffusion growth of solid phase. Two types of phase growth, i.e. volume and interface growths, are then mathematically defined and the diffusion-induced stresses and strains related to the two types of phasegrowth are elucidated. Also, the interesting periodic layer formation during solid state reactions is discussed as the result of diffusion-induced stresses.

Key words: chemical diffusion, interdiffusion growth, diffusion-induced stresses, phenomenological theory

摘要: 原子互扩散过程中可以产生复杂的应力应变现象,但目前缺乏系统的理论分析。传统固体化学扩散理论的研究对象是扩散的原子或原子流,并不关心互扩散区域内微观体积单元的变化,因此无法描述原子扩散流与应力之间的关系。为了解决这一问题,作者借鉴流体力学的基本概念和方法,通过建立固体互扩散区域中“流点”的概念,推导了描述固体互扩散生长的普适方程,严格区别了相的体积生长与界面生长方式,并给出多元扩散偶中相生长的一般动力学描述。在此基础上,详细讨论了分别与两种不同生长方式相联系的扩散应力和扩散应变问题,并以此分析具有代表性的固态反应周期层片型结构的形成机理。

关键词: 化学扩散, 互扩散生长, 扩散应力, 唯象理论

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