Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

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An Empirical Research onthe Theoretical Construct of Chinese Core Self-evaluation

CHEN Hui, GAN Yiqun, WEN Yao, LIU Xin, SUN Jian   

  1. Departmant of psychology, Peking University, Beijing 100871;
  • Received:2009-03-03 Online:2010-01-20 Published:2010-01-20


陈慧 甘怡群,温瑶,刘鑫,孙鉴   

  1. 北京大学心理学系, 北京100871;

Abstract: The present study presents preliminary empirical evidence for a hypothetical construct of Chinese core self-evaluation proposed by Gan, et al ( 2007) . Three hundred and thirteen Chinese joint venture employees completed the Qingnian Zhongguo Personality Scale (QZPS) and other questionnaires. Results indicate that Chinese core self-evaluation, which is composed of Collective self-esteem, Kindness, Talents, and Ways of life, had significant correlations with job outcome variables. These four traits had an average validity of 0.29 on job performance, and the factor analysis provides preliminary evidence for a theoretical construct of Chinese core self-evaluation.

Key words: Chinese core self-evaluation, Western core self-evaluation, job performance, job satisfaction

摘要: 用实证方法初步证实了甘怡群等(2007)提出的中国人核心 自我评价结构的理论构念。313名合资企业的员工完成了中国人人格七因素量表( QZPS) 及一些其他问卷, 结果说明中国人核心自我评价的4 个维度集体自尊、善良、才干、处世态度和工作绩效、工作满意度等结果变量显著相关,4 个核心特质在预测工作绩效方面的平均效度为0. 29。因素模型的结果也显示了中国人核心 自我评价的4 个维度背后存在一个稳定的因素即中国人核心自我评价。

关键词: 中国人核心自我评价, 西方核心自我评价, 工作绩效, 工作满意度

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