Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

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Novel Low Power Column Stage Design of 302×288 Infrared ROIC

LIU Dan, LU Wengao, CHEN Zhongjian, JI Lijiu, ZHAO Baoying   

  • Received:2006-01-19 Online:2007-01-20 Published:2007-01-20

新型低功耗320×288 IR ROIC中列读出级的设计

刘丹, 鲁文高1,陈中建,吉利久,赵宝瑛   

Abstract: A novel readout architecture for infrared (IR) readout integrated circuit (ROIC) is proposed. When the readout rate is 5MHz, the power of the column readout stage has been reduced from more than 47mW to 6.74mW, by applying master-slave column amplifier and the technology of divided-output-bus, which reduced more than 80%. In the master-slave readout structure, master amplifiers convert the charge to voltage, which has relaxed time limit. Slave amplifiers drive the output bus and ensure the readout rate, which adopts low power standby work mode. The technology of divided-output-bus is to divide the 320 pairs of switches to 20 groups and to reduce the switches connected to the output bus, which does help to reduce power dissipation of slave amplifiers.

Key words: IR ROIC, low power, master-slave amplify, divided-output-bus

摘要: 介绍了320×288红外(IR)读出电路(ROIC)中列读出级的低功耗设计。采用新型的主从两级放大的列读出结构和输出总线分割技术相结合。其中主放大器完成电荷到电压的转换,从放大器完成对输出总线的驱动来满足一定的读出速度,总线分割是把320列分组来减少输出总线上的负载电容。通过spice的仿真可以发现,与传统的列读出级相比,这种新型结构的功耗由原来的47mW降到了现在的6.74mW,节省了80%以上的功耗。

关键词: 红外读出电路, 低功耗, 主从两级放大, 输出总线分割

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