Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

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Myth of the Most Frequently Used Cultural Frames: A Critical Look at Individualism/Collectivism and Independent/Interdependent Self-Construals

WANG Qian1, SU Yanjie2   

  • Received:2005-02-04 Online:2006-03-20 Published:2006-03-20



Abstract: The most frequently used frames to explain cultural differences in psychological functioning between Americans and Asians have been individualism-collectivism and, more recently, independent-interdependent self-construals. The conceptualization and assessment of these two frames as well as the empirical evidence for and against their validity and utility in cultural comparisons are reviewed. Also discussed is how the two frames are related to each other, what are the limitations of these frames as they are currently conceptualized and assessed in capturing both similarities and differences in psychological functioning between Americans and Asians, and future directions for refinement of these frames as well as for theoretical and methodological advances in cultural research.

Key words: cultural frame, individualismcollectivism, independent-interdependent self-construals

摘要: 在解释美国人和亚洲人心理活动的差异时,心理学家们最常使用个人主义/集体主义这一文化框架,以及近年来颇受关注的独立/互依自我构念。综述了这两个文化框架各自的概念体系及测量方法,探讨了两者间的联系与区别。同时进一步分析了已有跨文化研究中关于这两个文化框架在解释美国人和亚洲人心理活动之异同时,有效性与实用性正反两方面的证据,指出了已有研究中存在的不足,并探讨了文化心理学研究在沿用这两个文化框架时可能做的理论与方法上的改进。

关键词: 文化框架, 个体主义/集体主义, 独立/互依自我构念

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