Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

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The Observations of the X-ray Pulsars

QIAO Guojun, XU Renxin   

  1. Department of Geophysics, Peking University, Beijing, 100871; CAS-PKU.BAC; JLHEP, IHEP, CAS Beijing, 100039
  • Received:1997-04-30 Online:1998-09-20 Published:1998-09-20


乔国俊, 徐仁新   

  1. 北京大学地球物理学系,中国科学院北京大学联合天体物理中心,北京,100871; 中国科学院高能物理开放实验室,100039

Abstract: The basic observations of the X-ray pulsars have been reviewed, including the binary star systems, the strong magnetic fields of neutron stars, the determination of the masses of neutron star and its company, etc. Usually, the X-ray pulsars have been found in the High Mass X-ray Binaries(HMXB), and the X-ray bursts have been found in the Low Mass X-ray Binaries(LMXB). However, as an X-ray pulsar, GRO J1744-28, discovered by the Compton (gama)-ray Observatory in the December 2(1995), acts also as an X-ray burster. This new discovery has been introduced in this paper.

Key words: X-ray pulsars, binary stars, X-ray astronomy

摘要: 综述了有关X射线脉冲星的基本观测事实及最新进展,涉及双星、中子星及强磁场等方面的观测证据,并介绍了中子星及其伴星质量的测定。一般认为,X射线脉冲产生于年轻的大质量X射线双星(HMXB)中,而X射线爆发则起源于小质量X射线双星(LMXB)中。然而,1995年12月2日Comptonγ射线天文台(CGRO)发现的GRO J1744-28却是既有X射线脉冲,又有X射线爆发。本文对这一发现做了简要的介绍。

关键词: X射线脉冲星, 双星, X射线天文学

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