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Electrochemical Performance and Charge Transfer Rate of Boron Doped Diamond with Different Oxidation Extent
YU Peng, XING Xuan, WANG Ting
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2016, 52 (5): 911-918.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2016.034
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The boron doped diamond (BDD) with different oxidation extent was prepared through electrochemical anodic oxidation, followed by characterization with various methods. The electrochemical properties and charge transfer rates of boron doped diamond electrodes with different oxidation extent were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and Mott-Schottky plot. As results, BDD morphology and quality rarely changed after oxidation by scanning electron microscopy and Raman scattering spectroscopy techniques, while the O/C+O ratio obviously increased through EDX analysis. With the help of cyclic voltammetry and Mott-Schottky plot expressed by anodic current, it showed that the charge transfer rate enhanced with the increase of BDD oxidation extent. Moreover, the surface wettability decreased with the increasing oxidation extent, thus the hydrophilic property enhanced, suggesting the charge transfer rate expressed by anodic current increased. However, results from Mott-Schottky plot expressed by redox potential difference showed completely different result, i.e., the charge transfer rate increased and then decreased. This may be due to the kinds and ratios of functional groups on the BDD surface at different oxidation time, which may cause different charge transfer rates.

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Textured Image Segmentation Based on Multiresolution Wavelet and Gaussian Mixture Models
YU Peng,FENG Jufu
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
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The author proposes a textured image segmentation algorithm which is based on multiresolution wavelet and Gaussian mixture models. At first a preceding process is taken in this algorithm. Then, the image is decomposed by wavelet pyramids. All of those lower resultant image and original image are integrated to a feature vector of a pixel. Those pixels are segmented by Gaussian mixture models. Experiment show the algorithm can give a good result.
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Surface Pollen and Its Climatical Significance of Vertical Zone in Beitai, Xiaowutai Mountain
YU Pengtao,LIU Hongyan
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
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After a broad survey of the vertical zone in Beitai, Xiaowutaishan mountain, a surface pollen spectrum is established. The climatical significance of some important species, such as Picea meyeri, Larix principis-ruprechtii and Betula is also analysed. This research demonstrated: Surface pollen content of Betula and Pinus is much more than their coverage in community, so they have extra-representation; Surface Pollen content of Picea is corresponded with its coverage in community; Because Larix has low pollen productivity and bad preservation ability of pollen, it has low representation for its coverage in community. As for their climatical significance, Picea meyeri indicates cool-wet habitat; Larix principis-ruprechtii indicates cool-dry climate; Betula has a broad ecological amplification, Betula albo-sinensis has a natural inclination for cool climate, Betula platyphylla has a natural inclination for dry climate.
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Using Excess after Regression Analysis(ERA) Method to Evaluate Heavy MetalPollution in the Taizi River of Benxi City
JIA Zhenbang,YU Pengtao
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
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The heavy metal pollution of Taizi River has been evaluated using Excess after Regression Analysis method proposed by Hilton. The concentration of heavy metal within a sediment core has been modelled by considering three components, the background concentration(Cb), that due to accelerated erosion (Ca), and an anthropogenic pollution term (Cp). Major cations associated with clay minerals such as Al, K and Mg do not have a pollution component. Iterative regression of the heavy metal concentration against one of these elements permits the isolationof Cp. Two group of heavy metals were identified. Type A(Zn and Cd)did not have a component due to accelerated erosion Ca. They are thought tohave passed through a solution phase before being recruited to the sediment. Type B metals (Fe, Ni, Cu and Pb)correlated well with the claymineral elements and were probably transported to the sediment as particles. We developed the ERA method because the heavy metal pollution level can't be identified by it. As a result, the developed ERA method makes it easy to compare the heavy metal pollution in different regions. After this study, we can draw the following conclusion: Copper and lead pollution are most serious in Taizi River; The heavy metal pollution is serious in the middle section of Taizi River, especially in Hejingou section. But Niuxintai section has no heavy metal pollution and Baishi section has little.
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