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Study of Turbulence Transfer at Different Levels during Fog Periods in Tianjin
YE Xinxin, WEI Wei, LI Hang, ZHANG Hongsheng
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis    2016, 52 (5): 809-818.   DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2015.141
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Based on the observational atmospheric turbulent data obtained from 255-m tower in Tianjin, the characteristics of different atmospheric variables and turbulent transfer during the fog periods were studied. The results show that before the fog, there exists high humidity, and the height of inversion reaches to 100 m. The inversion of radiation fog is stronger than that of the advection fog. During the fog, the inversion continues strengthening. With the lifting of inversion, the neutral and unstable stratification occurres which means the dissipation of fogs. Meanwhile, the development of inversion in the radiation fog is more obvious than that in advection fogs, the height of radiation fogs is lower than that of advection fogs, and the main reasons for the dissipation of radiation and advection fogs are temperature and wind speed, respectively. The stratification is changed by the fog period, resulting in an unstable nocturnal atmosphere. The vertical transfer is weak and the horizontal transfer strengthened in the later stage. The increasing in the ratio of mean kinetic energy to turbulent kinetic energy before the fog can be treated as the signal of the occurrence of fog and the decreasing marks the dissipation of fog.

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Application of Aircraft Wind Data in the Study of Atmospheric Boundary Layer
WEI Wei,YE Xinxin,WANG Haixia,ZHANG Hongsheng
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis   
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With the brief view of the application of meteorological data obtained by aircraft, based on the continuous wind data obtained by aircraft and WPR (Wind Profile Radar) from August 2009 to June 2010, in Shanghai, the authors analyze the application of airborne meteorological instrument measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer and puts forwards some possible error resources. Meanwhile, the correction methods are proposed. It is shown that the main difference between two observation methods is attributed to the systematic deviations of the instrument. At vertical levels other than the 300 to 1500 m height and with air temperature less than -8 °C and wind speed less than 1 m/s, the discrepancy between the horizontal wind speed obtained by aircraft and WPR increases significantly, which shows the limitation of airborne instrument measurements under this condition. The corrected aircraft data reveal the general pattern of the wind profile structure of the boundary layer in Shanghai.
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