Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

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A Parameterized Model for the Influence of Vegetation on the Moisture-heat Exchange at Near-ground Layer

LIU Shuhua   

  1. Department of Geophysics, Peking University, Beijing, 100871
  • Received:1995-04-21 Online:1996-01-20 Published:1996-01-20



  1. 北京大学地球物理系,北京,100871

Abstract: Advances a parameterized modelto study the influence of vegetation on the moisture-heat exchange at near-ground layer. With this model, the moisture-heat exchange between earth surface and atmosphere is studied under conditionsof different vegetation and soil moisture regime. The results show that the simulation states of temperature, moisture, radiation and energy balance are reasonable, and thus, this parameterized model is capable of using to study mesoscale meteorological modeling, climate modeling and environmental ecology.

Key words: parameterized model, soil-vegetation-atmosphere system, energy balance

摘要: 提出了一个研究植被对地表面与大气之间水热交换影响的参数化模型。该参数化模型考虑了到达植被冠层的总辐射、大气长波辐射,建立了冠层内的热量收支平衡方程。应用本参数化模型,研究了不同植被类型的覆盖度、土壤湿度、下垫面的土壤温度、叶温、近地面层气温及地表与大气之间热量和水分的交换,并与相应的实际观测资料进行了比较。结果表明,模型模拟的不同植被的温度、湿度状况,辐射特征和能量平衡关系是合理的。因此,该参数化模型可应用于中尺度气象模型、气候模型和环境生态学的研究。

关键词: 参数化模型, 土壤-植被-大气系统, 能量平衡

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