Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

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Some Developments in Autobiographical Memory Research

YANG Hongsheng   

  1. Department of Psychology, Peking University, Beijing, 100871
  • Received:2003-08-14 Online:2004-11-20 Published:2004-11-20



  1. 北京大学心理学系,北京,100871

Abstract: Function approach in autobiographical memory research and the results of research on the neural mechanism of autobiographical memory were summarized. New approach finds that autobiographical memory has self, social and directive functions. Research on its neural mechanism shows that autobiographical memory is located in temporal lobe and hippocampus. However, there is great inconsistency between the results of these two fields: neuropsychology research finds that autobiographical memory is mainly the function of right temporal lobe and hippocampus while brain imaging research shows that the primary activation occurrs in left temporal lobe and hippocampus during autobiographical event retrieval. There is no discussion or explanation about this inconsistency yet. Given the small number of neuroimaging studies and its inconsistent data, it would be better to compare the results gathered in the two different fields when there are more neuroimaging studies in the future.

Key words: autobiographical memory, function approach, cuing method, brain imaging

摘要: 总结了自传体记忆研究中新近出现的功能研究取向以及自传体记忆脑机制的神经心理学研究和脑成像研究结果。功能取向的研究表明,自传体记忆具有自我、社会和指导这3类主要功能。神经心理学和脑成像研究发现自传体记忆主要定位于颞叶与海马,但这2方面研究的结果之间却存在着很大的不一致:以脑损伤病人进行的神经心理学研究发现自传体记忆主要表现为右侧颞叶与海马的功能,而对正常人的脑成像研究却表明提取自传体记忆事件时主要的激活部位是左侧颞叶与海马。目前尚无关于这种不一致现象的评论与解释,由于自传体记忆的脑成像研究数量较少且结论并不一致,在进行更多的脑成像研究之后再来比较神经心理学与脑成像的研究结果可能更为合适。

关键词: 自传体记忆, 功能研究取向, 线索词诱导法, 脑成像

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