Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

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Using Event Dependency Cue Inference to Recognize Event Relation

MA Bin, HONG Yu, YANG Xuerong, YAO Jianmin, ZHU Qiaoming   

  1. Provincial Key Laboratory of Computer Information Processing Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006;
  • Received:2012-05-31 Online:2013-01-20 Published:2013-01-20



  1. 苏州大学江苏省计算机信息处理重点实验室, 苏州 215006;

Abstract: According to the corresponding discourse structure and semantic features of events which are treated as the basic semantic unit, by analyzing the semantic dependency relation between events and the rules of event inference, the authors propose an event relation recognization method based on event dependency cue to detect latent semantic relation between events: whether events hold logical relation or not. Compared with the traditional method based on semantic similarity, the proposed method achieves 5% improvement.

Key words: dependency cue, dependency parser, virtual dependency event, event relation

摘要: 以事件为基本语义单元, 基于事件的篇章结构信息及语义特征, 通过分析事件的语义依存关系及其在演化过程中的语义依存规律, 提出基于语义依存线索的事件关系识别方法, 实现事件语义关系的浅层检测: 判定事件之间是否存在语义关系。实验结果显示, 相比于传统的基于语义相似度的识别方法, 新提出的基于事件语义依存线索的事件关系识别方法获得了5%的性能提升。

关键词: 依存线索, 依存分析, 虚拟依存事件, 事件关系

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