Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

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Research on Energy Spread of RFQ Accelerator in AMS

LIU Kexin  GUO Zhiyu,YAN Xueqing,LU Yuanrong,FANG Jiaxun,CHEN Jia'er   

  1. Institute of Heavy Ion Physics, Peking University, Key Laboratory of Heavy Ion Physics, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100871;
  • Received:2007-04-13 Online:2008-01-20 Published:2008-01-20



  1. 北京大学重离子物理研究所,北京大学重离子物理教育部重点实验室,北京100871;

Abstract: Using RFQ as the main accelerator is a possible way to make AMS more compact. It is most important to reduce the energy spread of RFQ accelerator. Based on a theoretical analysis of the energy spread of RFQ shaper section, simulation by using computer code RFQDYN shows that an energy spread of 0.4% can be obtained by optimizing RFQ parameters.

Key words: RFQ accelerator, AMS, energy spread

摘要: 将RFQ作为加速器质谱系统(AMS)的加速器是AMS小型化的一条可能途径,减小RFQ加速器的输出束流能散是实现这一途径的关键。对RFQ加速器成形段部分对束流输出能散影响的分析表明,在减小调制系数、极间电压、同步相位,使各参数匹配的同时,适当地增大纵向聚焦力可显著降低RFQ输出束流能散。利用变参量RFQ动力学模拟程序RFQDYN进行模拟优化,得到输出束流能散为0.4%的RFQ加速器物理设计。

关键词: 射频四极场(RFQ)加速器, 加速器质谱, 能散

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