Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

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Attachment and Memory for Emotional Events

LI Tonggui   

  • Received:2004-06-07 Online:2005-11-20 Published:2005-11-20



Abstract: Memory for emotional events in attachment domain is focused on. After introducing some theoretical views on internal working model (IWM), a core concept of attachment theory, the author review studies on memory for emotional events using laboratorybased method, autobiographical memory, and priming method. Some implications of the topics are also discussed.

Key words: emotional memory, internal working model, autobiographical memory, priming, attachment

摘要: 依恋理论不仅提供了一个理解母子关系的情绪联结的基本框架,也为理解情绪和依恋的内在表征之间的关系提供了一个信息加工的研究思路。从依恋理论中的内部活动模型的概念出发,介绍了内部活动模型的几种理论观点,并对依恋类型与对情绪事件记忆的研究进行了回顾和评述。这些研究包括使用实验室制作的材料,自传体记忆,和情绪启动的方法,结果表明,依恋的类型与情绪事件的记忆存在一定的相关,但儿童依恋与对情绪事件的记忆的影响可能和成人依恋的影响不同。

关键词: 内部活动模型, 自传体记忆, 情绪启动, 依恋, 情绪记忆

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