


  1. 北京大学环境科学与工程学院, 城市固体废物资源化技术与管理北京市重点实验室, 北京 100871;
  • 收稿日期:2012-03-12 出版日期:2013-05-20 发布日期:2013-05-20

A Bibliometric Analysis of Incinerator Research during the Period 1991?2010

YUAN Li, LIU Yangsheng   

  1. College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing Key Laboratory for Municipal SolidWaste Utilization and Management, Beijing 100871;
  • Received:2012-03-12 Online:2013-05-20 Published:2013-05-20

摘要: 使用文献计量学的方法分析科学引文索引(Science Citation Index, SCI)数据库中1991-2010年焚烧炉相关的文献, 以评估焚烧炉的研究趋势。分析的参数包括文献类型、语言及数量, 发表期刊及分布, 作者所属的国家和科研机构及分布, 以及关键词。研究发现, 1991-2010年焚烧炉相关文献的发表数量随时间的变化符合指数函数, 英语是该研究领域使用最广泛的语言。焚烧相关论文主要收录的学科类别是环境科学, 而发表相关论文最多的学术期刊为《Chemosphere》(344篇)。美国是发表相关论文最多的国家, 而中国是发表论文随时间增长最快的国家。通过分析关键词发现, 与焚烧炉相关的科学问题研究中, 飞灰、重金属和二?英研究是未来热点, 通过改进焚烧炉可有效控制二次污染物的产生。未来我国将普遍采用炉排型焚烧炉和流化床焚烧炉等大型焚烧设备。

关键词: 焚烧炉, 研究趋势, 文献计量学, SCI

Abstract: A bibliometric analysis of incinerator research was conducted to evaluate the current trends, using the literatures in the Science Citation Index (SCI) database for the period 1991-2010. Articles were concentrated on the analysis by the document type, language, publication output, distribution of journals, the publication activity of countries and institutes, as well as keywords. The trend of publication outputs during 1991-2010 coincides with a exponential function model. English-language articles take the majority of all the publications. Incinerator research is primarily published in subject category of Environmental sciences, and Chemosphere is the most productive jour- nal with a number of publications of 344. The USA is the largest contributor of the total publications. While, China enjoys the highest growth rate in terms of publication over time. Finally, author keywords were analyzed to provide research emphasis. The results show that heavy metals, fly ash and dioxins were considered recent research hotspots. The generation of secondary pollutants can be effectively controlled by improved incinerator. Large-scale incineration equipment, such as grate incinerators and fluidized bed incinerators, will play a very important role in Chinese waste treatment in the future.

Key words: incinerator, research trend, bibliometric analysis, SCI
